Page 16 - IDF eCur NL Unit 8 english 041119
P. 16


                                                       NL, Unit 8

            Full structure to answer the question

                                  What is your name?  (V3)

                          Question: Who are you?      ? ְת ַא / ה ָת ַא י ִמ

                                        Answer:          (name)         +       א  ֲ   נ  י

               Examples: Yoel and Orly are asking for each other’s names

            "Who are you?" - Masculine

                          Question               Who are you?                           ? ה ָתא   ַ  י ִמ

                         Full answer               I am Yoel.                             .ל ֵאוֹי  יִנֲא

                        Short answer                   Yoel.                                  .ל ֵאוֹי

            "Who are you?" - Feminine

                          Question               Who are you?                             ?  ְ תא   ַ  י ִמ

                         Full answer               I am Orly.                           .יִל ְרוֹא  יִנֲא

                        Short answer                   Orly.                                 .יִל ְרוֹא

                               יִל ְרוֹא                                                 ל ֵאוֹי

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                                       םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה ,שומיש לכ ..  רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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