Page 4 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (18.07.17) Advanced Level
P. 4

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                          Item #1 (Advanced Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

         Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English              ‫עברית‬         English              ‫עברית‬
                                   to wander
convinced          ,‫משוכנע‬      6 wandering (m.         )‫לשוטט (פיעל‬  1
                  ‫משוכנעת‬          pl.)                    ‫משוטטים‬
to document
document (m.      )‫לתעד (פיעל‬   7 to attack             )‫לתקוף (פעל‬   2
pl.)                 ‫מתעדים‬        attacking (m. pl.)       ‫תוקפים‬
to refrain from
refrain (m. pl.)  ‫להימנע מ‬      8 to complain               ‫להתלונן‬   3
                     )‫(נפעל‬         complained (pl.)        )‫(התפעל‬   4
despite                                                      ‫התלוננו‬  5
objections        ‫נמנעים‬                                     ‫להסעיר‬
to wish (for)                                                )‫(הפעיל‬
wish (m. pl.)             ‫חרף‬   9 to stir up                ‫הסעירה‬
                  ‫ההתנגדויות‬       stirred up (f. sg.)
                                                        )‫לרתום (פעל‬
                  )‫לייחל (פיעל‬  10  col. to recruit           ‫רתמה‬
                     ‫מייחלים‬        recruited (f. sg.)

                                 Page 4 - Edition 07-18-17

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