Page 44 - IL-Unit 3-RD3-V23101-080716
P. 44


                     Intermediate-Low, Unit 3

       2. Condition / Situation

In this case the verb ‫ ִל ְהיֹות‬is conjugated according to the object / person.

     Present                 Past                              ‫ָּע ָּבר‬               ‫הֶֹוה‬

You are a            You were a                              .‫ה ִּיית ְמ ַּנ ֵהל‬       .‫ַּא ָׁתה ְמ ַּנ ֵהל‬
manager.             manager.
He is a tourist.     He was a tourist.                          ‫הּוא היה‬                 .‫הּוא ַּתּ ָׁיר‬
                                                                    .‫ַּתּ ָׁיר‬
We are young.        We were young.                                ‫ה ִּיינּו‬         ‫ֲא ַּנ ְחנּו ְצ ִעי ִרים‬
                                                                .‫ְצ ִעי ִרים‬

      3. Presence - "There is" = ‫ֵיׁש‬

Singular - the verb ‫ ִל ְהיֹות‬is conjugated according to the object / person.

     Present                 Past                               ‫ָּע ָּבר‬                 ‫הֶֹוה‬

There is a window    There was a window                         ‫ָּה ָּיה ַחּלֹון‬      .‫ֵיׁש ַחּלֹון ַב ֶּח ֶּדר‬
in the room.         in the room.                                  .‫ַב ֶּח ֶּדר‬
There is a party at  There was a party at                                            .‫ֵיׁש ְמ ִס ָּבה ַב ַב ִית‬
home.                home.                                   ‫ָּה ְי ָּתה ְמ ִס ָּבה‬
                                                                    .‫ַב ַב ִית‬

Plural - the verb ‫ ִל ְהיֹות‬remains in past plural ‫ ָּהיּו‬.

    Present                 Past               ‫ָּע ָּבר‬                                  ‫הֶֹוה‬

There are good       There were good           ‫ָּהיּו ֲא ָּנִׁשים‬                    ‫ֵיש ֲא ָּנִׁשים טֹו ִבים‬
people at work.      people at work.       .‫טֹו ִבים ַב ֲעבֹו ָּדה‬                            .‫ַב ֲעבֹו ָּדה‬
There are nice       There were nice
pictures in the      pictures in the           ‫ָּהיּו ְתמּונֹות‬                       ‫ֵיש ְתמּונֹות ָּיפֹות‬
album.               album.                 .‫ָּיפֹות ָּב ַא ְלבֹום‬                           .‫ָּב ַא ְלבֹום‬

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                          .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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