Page 44 - IL-Unit 3-RD3-V23101-080716
P. 44
Intermediate-Low, Unit 3
2. Condition / Situation
In this case the verb ִל ְהיֹותis conjugated according to the object / person.
Present Past ָּע ָּבר הֶֹוה
You are a You were a .ה ִּיית ְמ ַּנ ֵהל .ַּא ָׁתה ְמ ַּנ ֵהל
manager. manager.
He is a tourist. He was a tourist. הּוא היה .הּוא ַּתּ ָׁיר
.ַּתּ ָׁיר
We are young. We were young. ה ִּיינּו ֲא ַּנ ְחנּו ְצ ִעי ִרים
.ְצ ִעי ִרים
3. Presence - "There is" = ֵיׁש
Singular - the verb ִל ְהיֹותis conjugated according to the object / person.
Present Past ָּע ָּבר הֶֹוה
There is a window There was a window ָּה ָּיה ַחּלֹון .ֵיׁש ַחּלֹון ַב ֶּח ֶּדר
in the room. in the room. .ַב ֶּח ֶּדר
There is a party at There was a party at .ֵיׁש ְמ ִס ָּבה ַב ַב ִית
home. home. ָּה ְי ָּתה ְמ ִס ָּבה
.ַב ַב ִית
Plural - the verb ִל ְהיֹותremains in past plural ָּהיּו.
Present Past ָּע ָּבר הֶֹוה
There are good There were good ָּהיּו ֲא ָּנִׁשים ֵיש ֲא ָּנִׁשים טֹו ִבים
people at work. people at work. .טֹו ִבים ַב ֲעבֹו ָּדה .ַב ֲעבֹו ָּדה
There are nice There were nice
pictures in the pictures in the ָּהיּו ְתמּונֹות ֵיש ְתמּונֹות ָּיפֹות
album. album. .ָּיפֹות ָּב ַא ְלבֹום .ָּב ַא ְלבֹום
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