Page 47 - IL-Unit 3-RD3-V23101-080716
P. 47
Intermediate-Low, Unit 3
4. Possession
This usage is usually a confusing one for English speakers. In English we have a
special verb "to have" to describe possession of something.
In Hebrew we do not have a verb, but use an expression ...ֵיׁש ל
Present tense: .ֵיׁש ִלי ַתפּו ַח
.ֵיׁש לֹו ַתפּו ַח
I have an apple. .ֵיׁש ָּלנּו ַתפּו ַח
He has an apple. .ֵיׁש ָּלּה ַתפּו ִחים
We have an apple.
She has apples.
Past tense:
The verb ִל ְהיֹותis used according to the subject and not according to the
owner of the subject in one of the following forms: ָּהיּו
ָּה ְי ָּתה ָּה ָּיה
I had an apple. → .( ָּה ָּיה לי ַתפּו ַחThe word ַתּפּו ַחis single, thus ) ָּה ָּיה
He had an apple. → .( ָּה ָּיה לֹו ַתפּו ַחThe word ַתּפּו ַחis single, thus ) ָּה ָּיה
We had an apple. → .( ָּה ָּיה ָּלנּו ַתפּו ַחThe word ַתּפּו ַחis single, thus ) ָּה ָּיה
She had apples (plural). → .( ָּהיּו ָּלּה ַתפּו ִחיםThe word ַתּפּו ִחיםis plural, thus ) ָּהיּו
*Note: In the past tense the verb ִל ְהיֹותis used either in the single or the plural,
masculine or feminine form according to the related subject
Present Past ָּע ָּבר הֶֹוה
I have a nice I had a nice ָּה ָּיה ִלי ַב ִית ֵיׁש ִלי ַב ִית
house. house. .ָּי ֶּפה .ָּי ֶּפה
I have a nice I had a nice job.
job. ָּה ְי ָּתה ִלי ֵיׁש ִלי ֲעבֹו ָּדה
I have a lot of I had a lot of .ֲעבֹו ָּדה טֹו ָּבה .טֹו ָּבה
friends. friends. ָּהיּו ִלי ַה ְר ֵבה
ֵיׁש ִלי ַה ְר ֵבה
.ֲח ֵב ִרים .ֲח ֵב ִרים
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן