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                    -  Did you also have failures, moments that you wanted to stop?

                    -     "There were ups and down, but I learned to cope and not to break.
                   That is one of the things that they learn here."

                    -  Roni, did you take Noa as a personal project?

                    -    "Noa is first of all my daughter; she is not a project.  I stand at the
                   head of an educational system and I cannot allow myself to reward my

                   children more than others.  The opposite – I can say that the two of them

                   passed tests much more demanding than any other student.  As a parent,
                   certainly I gave them all the love and support that one needs to give."

                    -  Was it harder for Noa than for others?
                    -    "Physically it wasn't hard for her.  After all, she has always put in a

                   lot of effort.  Children who have negative experience with achievement

                   put in more effort, because they are thirsty for success.  It is understood
                   that unlike the formal education system, here she received encouragement

                   and the ability to realize herself."

                    -  And what happened in the formal education system?

                    -    "It‟s no secret that the system is unable to cope with the unusual.
                   There is no manpower, no budget, and no desire to cope with whomever

                   is not standard.  School did not give tools to Noa and there were not a few
                   hair-rising stories, in my opinion."

                    -  For example?
                    -    "For example, when one of the teachers yelled at her one day, "Don't

                   you hear me?  Open your ears!"  When Noa told her she was deaf, the

                   teacher told her that if she would be rude she would go straight to the
                   principal.  After that, when we came to speak with the teacher, she barked

                   at us that with forty children in the class, she cannot remember the
                   problems of each one."

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