Page 19 - Rothschild advanced 170918
P. 19

                                Advanced Level – ‫שדרות רוטשילד‬

The Founders Square

In Rothschild Boulevards, really close to the first kiosk of Tel
Aviv, there's a square. The name of the square is "the Founders
Square". The Founders square is located on a hill on which the
lottery was conducted for a division of plots of land. The
division of plots of land was the first significant step towards
building Ahuzat Bait neighborhood. Akiva Arieh Weiss was
organizing the lottery. In order to have the lottery, they took
light and dark seashells and on the seashells they wrote the
names of the families and the numbers of the plots of land. They
have put the seashells in two boxes and each time, a child took
one seashell of a plot of land and another one with a family
name. The name of the child was Moshe Fogel. Sixty people
participated in the lottery. In 2009, they recreated the lottery
with the family's offspring as part of the city's 100 years

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