Page 13 - Rehavia beginners RB 130918
P. 13

                       Beginner Level - ‫רחביה‬

CD: Track 5            ‫ַב ְנק ֶי ֶפת – אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים‬

weapons                                                           ‫נׁשק‬
robber(s)                                               ‫ ּׁשֹו ְד ִּדים‬,‫ׁשֹו ֵדד‬
shouts loudly (
to play                                                   ‫צֹועקת ָח ָזק‬
are playing (                                             ‫ְל ַש ֵחק‬
to catch
catch (                                                ‫ְּמ ַש ֲח ִּקים‬
to fight                                                         ‫ִּל ְת ֹפס‬
                                                              ‫תֹו ְפ ִּסים‬

                                                                    ‫ּׁ ֹשד‬
                                                               ‫ְל ִּה ָל ֵחם‬

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