Page 32 - IDF eCur IL Unit 3 english 061119
P. 32


                                              Intermediate-Low, Unit 3

                      2. Condition / Situation

               In this case the verb תוֹי ְהִל is conjugated according to the object / person.

                   Present                       Past                        רָבָע               הֶוֹה

              You are a                 You were a                         .לֵהַּנמ   ְ   ָ תיִּיָה  .    לֵהַּנ ְמ ה ָׁת ַּא

              manager.                  manager.

              He is a tourist.          He was a tourist.                    הָיָה  אוּה             .רָׁיּ ַּת אוּה

                                                                                  .רָׁיּ ַּת

              We are young.             We were young.                           וּניִּיָה     םי ִרי ִע ְצ וּנ ְחַּנֲא

                                                                             .    םי ִרי ִע ְצ     .) young (

                      3. Presence - "There is" = שׁ ֵי
               Singular - the verb תוֹי ְה ִל is conjugated according to the object / person.

                    Present                       Past                        רָבָע               הֶוֹה

              There is a window          There was a window                          ָ ה   ָי ה    ַ ח לּ וֹ  ן     ֶּ ד ר .     ֶּ ח  ַב ן   ֵי שׁ    ַ ח לּ וֹ

              in the room.               in the room.                             ֶּ ד ר .       ֶּ ח  ַב

              There is a party at        There was a party at            ה  ָּב  ִ ס  ְ מ  ה   ָ ה  ְי  ָ ת   ַב  ִי ת .     ַב ה  ָּב  ִ ס   ֵי שׁ    ְ מ

              home.                      home.                                       ַב  ַב  ִי ת .

               Plural - the verb תוֹי ְה ִל remains in past plural וּי ָה.

                  Present                    Past                        רָבָע                  הֶוֹה

              There are good          There were good                   םי     וּי    ֲא  ָּנ  ִ שׁ   ָ ה   םי  ִ ב וֹט םי   ֵי ש    ֲא  ָּנ  ִ שׁ

              people at work.         people at work.               ה .       ָּ ד וֹב  ֲע  ַב םי  ִ ב וֹט  ה .     ָּ ד וֹב   ַב   ֲע

              There are nice          There were nice                  ת וֹנ וּמ  וּי    ְ ת   ָ ה   ת וֹפ  ָּי ת וֹנ וּמ   ֵי ש    ְ ת

              pictures in the         pictures in the                     ְל ב וֹ ם .     ַ א  ָּב ת וֹפ  ָּי   ְל ב וֹ ם .     ַ א  ָּב

              album.                  album.

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                                       םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה.   , שומיש לכ  . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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