Page 11 - Virtual Tour Outside Jerusalem Walls Advanced Level 110716
P. 11


The Burial Caves

During the construction of the ‘Begin Heritage Center’, Jewish burial
caves from the time of the First Temple were discovered.
In this period (they) used to bury the dead outside of the city. And so it
turned out that the city was surrounded by a ring of graves from all [its]
The burial method in this period was very special.
The caves were built with bunks and under them was a burial pit. In the
first year postmortem [lit. after death] the dead was laid on the bunk with
his face turning upwards, and his head laying on a special stone.
Around him (they) placed talismans for protection along the way and
jewelry, in the instance of a rich dead man.
A year later, when only bones remained of the dead, (they) held a
ceremony in which they placed the bones in the pre-prepared burial pit -
the ‘Me’asefet’, as written, “…and was gathered to his people.”
On the site are seven burial caves and they are located across from each
other. In these caves (they) found a special treasure (silver jewelry,
makeup sticks, earrings made of gold and more).
Therefore it seemed that the graves belong to rich families.
Oil candles, instruments for food and drink, as well as personal items,
were placed alongside the bunks. It seems that death was perceived as a
long slumber…
A good time to see the caves is twilight, when the last rays of light for the
day are caught in them and illuminate them.
In the late hours of the night the place has a special look, as a hidden
candle is lit and illuminates the caves.
Among the jewelry two necklaces that were tied to the neck of children
were discovered.
In each necklace was a scroll with a “priestly blessing” in ancient Hebrew
writing. This finding moved the archeologists very much, because it
testified to the antiquity and credibility of the blessing, as well as to the
prayer and hope embodied in the equipping of children with this blessing
as they go on their final path.

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