Page 11 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (06-05-18) High Inter
P. 11

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #2 (High-Intermediate Level)

                               Under the Mountains of Jerusalem

            Completely  by  chance,  (they)  discovered  a  very  special  place  in  the
            mountains of Jerusalem this week, a stalactite cave two hundred and eighty

            meters under the ground between the village of Kisalon and Ein Kerem.

            (They) discovered the cave while working on something else  – a tunnel
            that  is  supposed  to  carry  water  to  Jerusalem  starting  at  two  thousand

            twenty. The work on the water tunnel is very complicated, and takes a long

            time. This isn’t the first time (they) discover a cave like this during work,
            but this time the cave is active. Still, (They’ll) probably close this cave in a

            month and a half in order to manage finishing the work on time.

                                         Page  11        -        Edition 06-05-18
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