Page 16 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (06-05-18) High Inter
P. 16

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                            Item #3 (High-Intermediate Level)

                                    There’s Always a First Time

            Twenty eight year old Adi Bar Natan (has) always loved the sea, so she

            decided to become the first female lifeguard in Israel’s beaches. Usually
            this is a job where there are only men. In order to be a lifeguard, (you)

            need  physical  strength  and  many  hours  of  work.  It  isn’t  always  easy,
            especially when you have two daughters waiting for you at home like Adi,

            and  especially  when  Israelis  don’t  always  like  listening  to  instructions.

            Adi’s post is post number one at the Rishon Letzion beach, where (they’re)
            hoping Adi will bring many more girls who want to be lifeguards after her,

            because there’s no reason why not.

                                         Page  16        -        Edition 06-05-18
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