Page 10 - T-Ulpan Baqa-adv part 1 040118 HTML5
P. 10

CD: Track 2                10
             Advanced level – ‫רמה גבוהה‬

History of Baka Neighborhood

Until 1948, the neighborhood of Baka was an Arab neighborhood with
magnificent, large and beautiful houses. Each house had two floors – a floor
for parents and a floor for children, and there was also a cistern for storing
After the establishment of the State of Israel, poor Jews from the Old City
came to live in the neighborhood, and later new immigrants from Europe
and the East joined them. The immigrants changed the Arab name of the
neighborhood to "Ge’ulim" because they believed that they had been
redeemed from exile.
In order to make room for all the immigrants, the large houses were divided
among several families, and in the 1950s, housing units (blocks) were built
in the neighborhood.
For a long time, Baka was a poor neighborhood with crime gangs, but in
recent years the neighborhood has been rehabilitated. The old houses were
bought and renovated and today Baka is a special and beautiful
neighborhood with quiet streets and lots of plants. The streets in Baka are
named after bible Judges and the names of the 12 tribes. One of the residents
of the neighborhood once said: "Baka is such a nice neighborhood that it is
not surprising that the 12 tribes want to live there!"
Today many Jews from the United States and France live in the
neighborhood. Religious and secular people live together in Baka, and there
are many schools and Orthodox and Conservative synagogues in it.

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