Page 26 - Appendix-Alef-Unit-3-Time-Expressions
P. 26
Time – Numbers & Expressions
Exercise: Act out the dialogue in Hebrew while looking at the English
text. Use other names than in the original dialogue when acting out.
Dialogue 3 - The Days of the Week
Sarit: Good morning, Dan. Is everything okay?
Dan: Yes, yes, everything is okay. I want to organize our week.
Sarit: What is there to organize? From Sunday to Thursday we're at
the university all morning, no?
Dan: Yes, but what do we do at night? On Sunday night? Go to a
movie? Go to friends?
Sarit: On Sunday night we are usually at home.
Dan: And on Monday? On Monday we need to visit my parents.
Sarit: Oh, and also my parents!
Dan: Okay, Monday night – visiting parents.
Sarit: Great, on Tuesday are you going with me to a movie?
Dan: Yes, yes, let's go to Cinema City.
Sarit: Great, so on Tuesday we're going to a movie!
Dan: On Wednesday I go to Pilates.
Sarit: Okay…
Dan: And on Thursday I want to cook for Shabbat.
Sarit: Terrific. On Friday are you going with me to a café ?
Dan: On Friday night are you going with me to the Kotel (Western
Sarit: I don't know… I don't have energy…
Dan: You should (it's worthwhile for you)! It's fun to go to the Kotel
on Friday night.
Sarit: Okay, but on Shabbat I want to rest.
Dan: No problem, on Shabbat you can rest, but on Saturday night I
want to go to a bridge game until 12 o'clock at night.
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