Page 28 - Appendix-Alef-Unit-3-Time-Expressions
P. 28
28 Unit 2, Track 27
Time – Numbers & Expressions
There is a special form in Hebrew for doubling some of the time units by
adding ִיםat the end of the word.
Example: ָשעֹות = ְש ָע ָת ִיים2
English ִע ְב ִרית
two hours ָש ָע ַת ִים
two days יֹו ַמ ִים
two weeks ְׁשבּו ַע ִים
two months ָח ְׁד ַש ִים
two years ְׁש ָנ ַת ִים
Note: that's why for the number 200 we say ָמאת ִיםinstead of ְש ֵתי ֵמאֹות
English ִע ְב ִרית
before, ago ִל ְׁפ ֵני
one year ago ִל ְׁפ ֵני ָש ָנה
before the.... ....ִל ְׁפ ֵני ַה
before the lesson ִל ְׁפ ֵני ַה ִשעּור
after one week ַא ֲח ֵרי
after the.... ַא ֲח ֵרי ָשבּו ַע
after the lesson ....ַא ֲח ֵרי ַה
ַא ֲח ֵרי ַה ִשעּור
in... (future time)
in one month ...ְׁבעֹוד
ְׁבעֹוד ח ֶדש
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