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從心智模式論點探討兒童邏輯推理能力之發展  31

                      The Study on Development of Children’s

                        Logical Reasoning Ability from Mental

                                          Model’s Perspective

                                                   Shwu-Ching Jiang


                        The purpose of this study was to explore the difference of logical reasoning
                      ability and responses to different type,  difficulty and symbolism of tasks at
                      kindergarten and primary children, based on the perspective of mental model.

                      The Logical Reasoning Test for Children and clinical interviews were
                      conducted with 227 children. This test  was consisted of two subtests of
                      syllogisms and relational logic included figural and verbal items of two level of

                      difficulty. Two- way mixed design analysis of Variance was used to verify the
                      difference of ability. Interview data were analyzed by reasoning responses. The
                      results of this study indicated: (1) The different age children’s abilities of
                      logical reasoning were not affected by the type of tasks. The older children‘s
                      abilities and responses of solving the entire logical reasoning tasks were better

                      than younger children’s. Children‘s abilities and responses of solving the
                      relational logic tasks were better than syllogisms tasks. And (2) the different age
                      children’s abilities and responses to syllogisms and relational logic were

                      Â   Associate Professor, Department of Child Care, National Pingtung University of
                        Science and Technology
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