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ndian MBA programs traditionally struggle to attract around $55,000, compares to an estimate of $80,000 for an
Iinternational students, but that could be set to change MBA from Wharton (excluding living expenses).
According to the Graduate Management Admission The Financial Times Global MBA ranking puts ISB’s
Council (GMAC) the administrator of the GMAT exam, average salary increase post MBA at 187%, in the top 3
Asia featured two countries with a strong appetite for MBA programs for salary increases globally. Graduates
the GMAT. Chinese professionals accounted for 71,223 from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
GMAT test-takers in 2018 – or 29.3% of the world’s total. earn an average salary of $186,170, placing the school in
India produced 32,425 GMAT test-takers, scored a 583. the top six MBA programs for average salaries globally.
A GMAT score report is a sign of a candidate’s interest in That is a higher average salary than both the University of
a school—but just 1% of scores sent to Indian programs Chicago, Booth, and INSEAD.
were from non-Indian citizens.
3. Jobs
Indian School of Business, India’s entrepreneurial culture Like many of the counterpart MBA programs in the West,
and booming tech sectors make an attractive destination Indian programs also have a high focus on employability.
for management education, but it has traditionally failed
to attract international MBA students in large numbers. 4. Startups
India is currently one of the fastest-growing and
India’s reputation as a study destination for international most dynamic economies in the world, with
students is still limited, but with the growth of the Indian corporate expansions, as well as a family business and
economy, this could be set to change. entrepreneurial ventures, contributing to the array of
opportunities available to enterprising business students.
Here are five reasons why you should study an MBA in
India: The focus on entrepreneurship looks to set an increase, as
it is becoming a major trend in management education
1. Top-ranked business schools across India.
There are a number of good business schools to choose Key Facts percentage startup growth
from; however, four business schools consistently rank
in the Financial Times top 100 Global MBA Rankings. • 108 % increase in the number of advanced tech startups
Indian School of Business (ISB) comes in at number 24 in • 50 Total startup funding
the 2019 ranking. The Indian Institute of Management’s • USD 4.2 billion
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Calcutta rank in the top 50 • Number of startups founded 1,200
globally. • Number of unicorns 8
The relative lack of international students creates an 5. A unique perspective
opportunity for those applying outside of India to get into MBA curriculum in India is not different from MBA
top schools. anywhere else in the world, and yet are very diff erent. Th ey
are a good blend of quality academic rigour combined
2. Return on investment with an ability to get things done. The key diff erentiator
Calculating the return on investment (ROI) is an when it comes to graduate management education in India
important factor in choosing an MBA program is that students get access to the India-centric content that
they need in order to succeed in the country.
The cost of MBA education in India’s business schools is a
fraction of what management education costs in the US or India is a country with 29 states, each differing from the
UK. The ISB estimates the annual cost of education to be other in terms of language, culture, customs, etc
The ability to manage this diversity comes naturally to
someone who studies here.
All of the above contributes to the distinctive character of
Indian business education.
Author is Founder & Publisher – Conccept & Career Beacon
CAREER BEACON | Inaugural Issue | 2019 | 19