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them a group of related words on that topic and challenge conscious thought and planning of a conscientious
them to guess the topic. This will increase their thinking instructor.
Active learning plainly puts the focus on the learner: what
Fishbowl the learner does, what they think, and how they behave.
A student unfolds their ideas and thoughts on a topic in front Crucially, it does not simply happen with a few simple
of others, who take notes and write a response to the idea. instructions: it occurs in the classroom where the teacher
is committed to a learning environment which makes
Pictionary active learning possible.
For vital concepts and especially not-so-easy to grasp terms,
encourage students to play Pictionary: one student draws To quote a Chinese proverb, “I hear, and I forget. I see, and
images only; whilst rest are involved in guessing the term. I remember. I do, and I understand”.
While active learning places an emphasis on the student’s Incorporating active learning into the curriculum can
role in the learning experience, there is no doubt that transform a classroom into an exciting, dynamic learning
the success of any active learning strategy starts with environment.
Unique pieces of Career advice
By Sunanda Rao
Founder & Publisher – Conccept & Career Beacon
Be likeable
Being well-liked typically means you are trusted, respected
and a joy to be around. These traits go far when it comes
to leadership skills as well as the ability to work well with
You cannot fake it ‘til you make it on this one—either
you’re friendly and approachable or you’re not.
Become indispensable
Learn how to change toner on the printer. Become that go- Negotiating with new Company
to person or woman in your department who fi gures things Find out when the next financial year begins since it
out, who brings in Corn Spinach Sandwiches on Fridays relates to your salary hike. However, a critical question
and most importantly, and who becomes indispensable to to ask because your salary depends on it. Th e recruiter
the team. You will be viewed not only as a leader but also may extend a job offer to you and in your excitement; you
as a problem solver, connector, and most importantly, as may not ask when your next annual increase will occur.
that person who is the last one standing when layoff s are For instance, if it begins in three months, you may be
potentially on the table. unentitled for the current year’s salary review process.
Therefore, you will be stuck at the current salary for the
Negotiate like a boss. next 15 months instead of 12 months.
Do not be shy or afraid of talking about money. Upon
receiving every job offer, negotiate at least five to 10% In that instance, tell the future employer you should be
higher at the very minimum. In addition, during your included in the salary review process (even if they have to
time in each role, talk openly to your boss about what pro-rate your increase due to the short time you have been
the predicted rise is expected and set metrics as to how there) or that your increase next year should include an
you can exceed your job responsibilities to compensated additional bump representing your initial three months.
accordingly. The more you flex your negotiation skills,
even when the outcome is not necessarily favourable, the My Mentor always says, “If they never know you want to
more comfortable you will become at asking to-be-paid move up in that way, they may think you’re content where
what you are worth. you are.”
46 | CAREER BEACON | Inaugural Issue | 2019