P. 60


                    Sub  No.6:-  Common  Good  Fund  transferred  to  Sri  Venkateswara  Vidyadana
                    Trust,  TTD,in  accordance  with  the    Bye-Law  No  .  (30)  of  the  Society  –


                                An  amount  of  Rs.10.00  Lakhs  debited  from  Common  Good  Fund  and
                    deposited in Sri Venkateswara Vidyadana Trust, Reg.No.50/2008 of TTD vide UBI
                    Ch.No.02089226,dated:19-11-2022,       vide    Acknowledgement       Receipt    No.
                    DNE18042511221026,dt:25-11-2022 subject to ratification of the Board.

                                On placing the subject before Board for ratification of  the action of the
                    President,  the  Board  resolved  in  its  Res.No.550  dated  13-12-2022    that,    a)  “
                    Approved”  and  (b)  the  Privileges  in  the  capacity  of  Trust  Donor  shall  be  availed
                    /Utilized for Official purpose.

                               The  Divisional  Cooperative  Officer,  Department  of  Cooperation,
                    Government  of  A.P. Registered  the  Bye-Law  No.  (30) vide  Rc.No.1348/2022-C2,
                    dated 25-11-2022 as detailed below:

                                The Net Profit of the society, as declared by the Registrar every year shall
                    be deposited off as shown below and in accordance with Rule 36 of APCS Act, 1964.

                                      1)  25% shall be carried to the Reserve Fund.
                                      2)  10% shall be credited to the Building Fund.
                                      3)  5% to staff Welfare Fund.
                                      4)  5% to Gratuity Reserve.
                                      5)  5% will be credited the Bad Debts Reserve.
                                      6)  5% may be paid to Common Good Fund. The Common Good
                                         Fund  shall  be  utilised  for  Sri  Venkateswara  Vidyadana  Trust
                                         and Sri Venkateswara Pranadana Trust maintained by TTD.

                            The subject is placed  before Board  on 08-02-2024, it is Resolved to place
                    the  subject  to  General Body  with  other  details  of  availability  of  total  CGF  reserve,
                    purpose of utilization, etc.

                            The Common Good Fund of the Society available for Rs.1,73,41,965.74 as
                    on 31-03-2023 of which Rs.13,87,469.58 invested in CDCC Bank Ltd., Tirupati and
                    the  remaining  amount  Rs.1,59,54,496.16  in  business  as  investable  amount.  In
                    accordance with the Bye-Law No.(30) Vide Rc.No.1348/2022-C2, dated 25-11-2022,
                    5% may be paid to common good fund. The Common Good Fund shall be utilized for
                    Sri  Venkateswara  Vidyadana  Trust  and  Sri  Venkateswara  Pranadana  Trust
                    maintained by TTD.

                            In accordance  with the Board Res.No.655,dated:08-02-2024, the  subject is
                    placed before General Body for ratification.

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