P. 61


                    Sub No.7:-  Proposals to extend “Death  Cum Retirement Benefit Fund” to the
                    Members of the Society.

                    File No.EB02/50/TTDECS/2023

                            The subject proposals of introducing “Death cum Retirement Benefit Fund” to
                    the members of the society was placed before Board, wherein it was resolved in its
                    Res.No.567,  dt.21.01.2023  to  incorporate  Death-Cum-Retirement  Benefit  Fund
                    proposal  in  society  Bye-Laws  to  be  taken  to  next  General  Body  meeting  (i.e.
                    proposed G.B meeting on 19.5.2023).

                            The  key points  of the proposed  scheme of “Death-Cum-Retirement  Benefit
                    Fund” are

                        a)  Premium received Rs.200/- per month
                        b)  Interest paid to the premium 4% p.a.
                        c)  If death covered sum assured  Rs.1.00 lakh to the member.
                        d)  If premium crossed above sum assured Rs.1.00 lakh at the time of death /
                            Retirement of the member, the total cumulative amount with Interest will be
                            paid to the member.

                            Whereas, the President of the society instructed to contact the TTD Accounts
                    Department,  for  finalization  of  the  said  Scheme  duly  preparing  a  valid  statement
                    without  loss  to  the  society.  After  contacting  with  the  TTD  Accounts  Department,  a
                    statement  was prepared  as  detailed annexure  enclosed in next page.   Then, once
                    again the subject was placed before the Board of Directors, wherein it was resolved
                    vide  Res.No.600,  dt.29.4.2023,  to  include  the  subject  in  the  draft  Society  Byelaws
                    under  Welfare  activities  to  Members.    Accordingly,  the  comprehensive  Society
                    Byelaws was placed before the General Body meeting held on 19.5.2023, wherein
                    rest of the proposed society byelaws were approved by the G.B except the proposed
                    DCRB Fund stating that the said scheme will be examined in the next G.B meeting to
                    be held later.

                            Now, as per APCS Act and Byelaws of the society, G.B has to be conducted
                    twice in a financial year.  One G.B was held on 19.5.2023 and another G.B has to be
                    conducted before 31.3.2023.

                            As  such,  the  subject  of  proposed  “Death-Cum-Retirement  Benefit  Fund”
                    scheme is once again placed before the Board of Directors, for examining the same
                    and  for  taking  a  decision  for  taking  the  above  subject  to  General  Body  as  it  was
                    deferred during last G.B meeting.

                            Hence, the subject is placed before the General Body meeting for taking a

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