P. 19

- Personal recount: Tell about the author's personal experience. This
                                type of text is used to retell an event experienced by one person

                            - Factual Recount: Presents a report of events that actually
                                happened, this type of recount text also tells about events or

                                events in the past.
                            - Imaginative Recount: Presenting imaginative stories based on
                                events that have occurred. This type of text tells of an event in

                                the past that didn't actually happen or was just an imagination.
                         3.  Generic Structure of Recount Text:

                            - Orientation: is the opening part of the text or introduction that
                                contains the background of an incident, such as who was involved.

                                For example is when the author states the topic and also the
                                members or person in the story at the first story.
                            - Series of Events: is part of the content of the text that contains a

                                series of sequential events experienced by the author. For
                                example, if the Recount Text tells about the experience of the

                                race, then the Series of Event section contains a series of events
                                that were experienced sequentially, starting from the beginning
                                of the preparation of the race until the end of the race.

                            - Reorientation: This section is the closing of the text which
                                contains conclusions, massages, impressions, or feelings of the

                                author on the events experienced. For example, the author tells
                                about his experience in the competition and it turns out that he
                                won 1st place in the competition, then the author can tell how

                                happy he was when he found out that he had won 1st place.

                         4.  Simple Past is used to talk about a completed action in a time before
                            now. The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The
                            time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and

                            action duration is not important


                              (+) Subject + to be (was/were) + complement

                              (-)  Subject +to be (was/were) + not + complement

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