P. 21

II.    Formative test scoring criteria

                     No                              Description                                 Nilai

                      1    Students answered 10 questions and were correct                        10

                      2    Students answered 9 questions and were correct                          9

                      3    Students answered 8 questions and were correct                          8

                      4    Students answered 7 questions correctly                                 7

                      5    Students answered 6 questions and were correct                          6

                      6    Students answered 5 questions correctly                                 5

                      7    Students answered 4 questions correctly                                 4

                      8    Students answered 3 questions correctly                                 3

                      9    Students answered 2 questions and were correct                          2

                     10  Students answer questions as much as 1 and correct                        1

                      11  Students do not answer                                                   0

                          Total Score= Ending Score = Students score x 10

                       III.  Evaluation task scoring criteria
                      Number  Score                                 Description

                          1          4     Can explain recount text completely and clearly

                                     3     Can explain recount text clearly

                                     2     Can explain recount text briefly

                                     1     Can explain recount text with a slightly wrong


                          2          4     Can mention and explain 3 types of recount text

               ENGLISH E-MODUL: RECOUNT TEXT for SMA/MA GRADE X/2                                           17
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26