Page 3 - e-modul-alni-nur-firani
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All praise be to Allah, the One and Only I am aware that there may still be
God, for His mercy and blessings, allowing omissions and imperfections in this e-
me to complete the e-module entitled module. Therefore, I kindly request readers
"Instructional Design Model." I would also to provide criticism and suggestions
like to send blessings and peace upon the regarding this instructional book so that I
Prophet Muhammad SAW, as thanks to can continuously improve its quality.
him, we are able to emerge from darkness
into a brighter path. Thus, I present this e-module with the
hope that readers can comprehend the
I would like to express my gratitude to all information and gain insights into the field
those who have supported the smooth of management information systems,
development of this e-module, from the ultimately benefiting society at large.
writing process to the uploading process. Thank you.
This includes my parents, respected
instructors, and many others whom we Jakarta, May 20, 2023
cannot mention one by one.
The e-module I have prepared, titled ALNI NUR FIRANI
been completed to the best of my abilities
in order to provide benefits to readers
seeking information and knowledge about
management information systems. In this
book, you will find explanations of
instructional design, its usage and
application, as well as ADDIE model that
can be utilized according to readers'