Page 21 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2019
P. 21

First up, Tone Loc. Tone walked onto the stage and
               the crowd erupted with high-deafening applause. “Who
               here remembers MTV?” he asked the audience.

               Tone is still touring with his original DJ since he began
               his music journey, and both of these entertainers are
               unfaltering  on  stage.  I  wasn’t  sure  what  song  was
               Tone’s, but  then  I heard  both  hits.  “Wild Thing”  and
               “Funky Cold Medina” were like two bricks being thrown
               at me. Every living being in the Amphitheater stood up
               and danced. Tone’s stage show set the pace for what
               was up to be the theme of the evening…dancing…and
               more dancing.

               After a few songs, Tone invited his female audience
               onstage to dance and sing with him. That was a little
               embarrassing as half the female entourage were on
               the darker side of 50. And they didn’t get the memo
               that they don’t look like music video dancers.

               Tone’s stage show was simple -- just a turntable and
               his mic. His end song got everyone off their seats. It
               was no surprise that the anthem of the evening was
               “The  roof  is  on  fire!”  and  “We  don’t  need  no
               water ’cause we’re gonna let it burn!”
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