Page 97 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2019
P. 97

In May of this year I was able to catch Audible
                                                        at  their  album  release  party  where  they
                                                        celebrated the launch of their five-song EP “First
                                                        Contact.”  It  was  at  a  new  venue  called  The
                                                        Basement, which is in the lower level of Oskar
                                                        Blues in Colorado Springs.

                                                        Audible  played  the  songs  from  their  new  EP,
                                                        which were intermixed with twelve other songs
                                                        to  round  out  the  night.  Each  song  was
                                                        presented  with  smooth  rhymes  that  were
                                                        punctuated with beautifully harmonized vocals
                                                        over funky piano and attention-grabbing guitar
                                                        riffs -- a sound that is fresh and new but reminds
                                                        you  of  the  good  old  days  of  hip  hop  when
                                                        emcees were true masterful lyrical artists. HoTT is
                                                        exactly  that.  When  you  mix  that  with  the
                                                        enthralling  vocals  and  instrumentals  of  Jeb,
                                                        Brandon, Kyrt, and Ryan, you get an infectious
                                                        sound  that  makes  your  ears  want  more  and
                                                        more. Seeing and hearing it all performed live in
                                                        front  of  you  is  a  memorable  musical  moment
                                                        you won’t soon forget.
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