Page 134 - ION Indie Magazine SeptOct 2023
P. 134

RH: There’s quite a lot to it, but essentially, when   TB: You followed that up with the maxi single
          covid hit, I knew it was time to make changes to      release ‘Everything is Black.’ What is the story
          my  career,  ones  that  I  felt  would  be  the      behind ‘Everything is Black?’
          cornerstones of my career going forward. Black
          Harbour Blues had served me  well. It was like        RH:  Early  after  the  release,  when  I  did  press
          attending  music  college  in  a  sense,  because  I   interviews  and  such  for  ‘Everything  Is  Black,’  I
          learned a lot about the music business. But its       spoke  about  the  apocalyptic,  anti-establishment
         time had come. As a solo artist (although I am         kind  of  rant  that  I  was  on  during  the  writing
          still working with a band), I had way more control    process. I think the story behind the song is less
          over  the  outcomes  of  things,  where  Black        important than the point of the song. Not even the
          Harbour  had  a  very  specific  vibe.  I  wanted  to   ‘meaning’ but what the meaning attempts to do - to
          shed  that  skin.  I  wanted  to  create  music,  be  it   encourage people to think for themselves. Look at
          blues,  rock,  heavy  music,  acoustic,  whatever,    the  systems  around  you,  look  at  the  rules,  the
          and  I  felt  somewhat  limited  within  the  Black   laws, and the things that are totally flawed that we
          Harbour realm. Not to mention I was the last of       just  take  as  the  way  things  are.  Ask  yourself
          the  original  members  of  the  band  and  there     questions. Are you doing anything to change the
          would have been no point in changing the band’s       world or are you ignoring corruption and deceit that
          whole style after that. It was logical to let it go and   are being thrown at you every day by the people in
         start something new.
                                                                power?  Specifically,  I  am  thinking  about  what  is
                                                                going on politically in my own country, and I think
          TB:  You  are  also  part  of  the  group  Fear  of   that people cannot sit around and let the country
          Falling.  How  do  you  balance  out  the  group      decay  into  darkness  anymore.  The  people  must
          and solo projects?                                    save  the  country  before  it’s  too  late.  I  never
                                                                thought I would take any sort of political standpoint
          RH: Honestly, with a TON of planning. That is the     in my music, but the corruption and decay in South
          crux. Fear Of Falling has actually disbanded after    Africa is just too blatant to ignore.
          the last release.
                                                                TB:  You  did  a  cover  of  the  famed  Black
          TB: Did the group provide a different creative        Sabbath song ‘War Pig.’ How did you decide on
          outlet for you than the solo project?                 covering/releasing that song?

         RH: For sure. Any time I find myself in a musical      RH: We’re all massive fans of Black Sabbath, and
          space outside of my norm, it helps me create in       based on the previous question, that will give you
          a different way to what I usually do. That said, I    the answer. The song is probably the most famous
          am  quite  obsessive,  and  I  do  look  for  ways  to   anti-establishment  rock  song,  and  so  it  fitted
          burn  through  my  creative  needs  based  on  the    perfectly  within  the  context  of  the  ‘Everything  Is
          music that I want to create. I know what I like and   Black’ Maxi Single.
          what I want to hear. That’s the approach I take
          when  making  my  own  music.  I  am  basically       TB: I read a quote from your bio that states: ‘My
          writing the music that I would want to be listening   approach      to   interviews    and    questions
          to.                                                   regarding what my music is about, I’ve decided
                                                                to limit, as I feel that the philosophical wave I’m
          TB:  You  released  two  EPs  in  2022,  ‘Rest  &     riding at the moment is all about the listener,
         Resurrection’ in January of 2022 and ‘Chapter
                                                                their  interpretation,  and  making  sure  that  I
          II’  in  November.  How  long  had  you  been         don’t  too  deeply  influence  their  personal
          working on the two EPs?                               connection with my music.’ Do you feel artists
                                                                influence  a  listener’s  connection  with  music
         RH: The timeline was constant work in and out of       too much?
         the studio between 2021 and 2022. I did bite off
         a  large  chunk  based  on  what  I  wanted  to        RH: I think if artists want to influence that personal
         accomplish,  so  there  was  a  lot  of  work  to  be   connection,  they  can  in  various  ways  –  social
         done.  I  can,  however,  see  the  benefits  of  the   media, interviews, and so on. It’s not that what I
         work paying off, and that’s really rewarding and       am doing now wouldn’t have that impact, but I do

         exciting! Feeling grateful!                            try  to  limit  adding  my  own  narrative  to  a  (con’t)
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