Page 18 - ION Indie Magazine MarchApril 2021
P. 18
CL: I have read that the band is from Parmele, MT: That was awesome! A lot of people ask about
NC, as well as Greenville, NC. Where is the that. It was cool, growing up and being a fan of
band from? Mötley Crüe. We are band guys, so we were looking
at all the bands we wanted to be on MTV and a lot
MT: 3 of the band members, who are family (two like that. Motley is one of the bands we remember
brothers, Matt and Scott Thomas and their growing up. So, it was cool to have them walk in the
cousin, Barry Knox) they are from Robersonville, room and write a song, which was cool. Yes, that
NC, and Josh McSwain is from Shelby, NC. was for the EP ‘Complicated’ and we released a
Parmele is about 3 miles from where they all grew song off the EP.
up. The band rented a rehearsal barn in Parmele,
and that is how they decided to name themselves CL: What is the behind your album ‘27861?’
Parmalee. Greenville is the college town in which
they all lived in at one point. It was a 15–20-mile MT: Well, we done that a long time ago and we said
little circle between the 3 towns they had all ran let us make a sticker, which is the zip code to
in. Parmele, NC, where we started the band as well as
dedication to their hometown. We all tattooed the
CL: Where does the band gather their zip code on us, and we always wanted to name an
songwriting inspiration? What is the band’s album after the little town cause it’s a cool
usual song writing process? experience of how it all got going…the fact that it all
started in that barn in Parmele, NC.
MT: Mostly just hear someone say something
and you have a thought, ‘Man, that is a cool CL: I read the band were victims of a shooting
song!’ Or someone says something and think, and Scott Thomas, the drummer and brother to
‘Wow, that is a great song title!’ You know, just you, Matt. How did that affect the band as a
life, things happen. That is the good thing with whole? How did the band process through this
collaborating with people…3 different people, 3 incident?
different ideas…and you may be able to spot a
good idea out of it. We did 2 and one was a MT: We all stayed with him and split shifts and
hangout and the other was like a party. Here’s the stayed with him in the hospital for the 40 days he
thing, it’s like a doctor’s appointment here. was in there. We had something on the burner in
Unfortunately, a lot of them are. You look on your Nashville and was kind of promising, and we had
calendar and you meet somebody, get together already recorded a version of ‘Carolina’ that you
with 3, 5 guys and start at 11 and write till 5. And hear. We were getting ready to go to the record
sometimes you start at 5 and go till 4 in the label to play some shows and to get hopefully
morning. signed after being together for 9 years. We all just
kind of pulled together and saw what affect as
CL: How was it for you and your brother to people, as musicians, we have had on people…and
perform in a band with your father? all these bands and friends helping. Tt was unreal
to see! We were like, ‘You got to keep going you
MT: That was cool, cool. He was a good teacher, cannot stop now.’ It was tough not having a record
always lighthearted. We got good enough to play, deal and always being broke, but we did have that
he kind of let us take the reins, haul all the ray of hope…which was our thing…to always keep
equipment, do all the work. It was really cool. us going. One positive thing that kept us going,
instead of sulking in the negative stuff…that
CL: The band collaborated with Nikki Sixx should’ve, could’ve, would’ve, mistakes and all
(bassist of Mötley Crüe). How was that and was that…and find that little piece of positivity and keep
that for the EP ‘Complicated?’ that and the possibility of a record deal.