Page 57 - ION Indie Magazine NovDec 2020
P. 57

MH: If you had to compare yourselves with another band, who do you say you guys may sound like
          or have a similar style of music?

          BK: I often compare us to Fishbone (without as much of the social politics) because of their genre jumping

          MH: Tell our readers of Funky Bonz’s anniversary re-release of the 1997 album ‘Nightmare on Groove

          BK: That was our 1st major CD release (yes, our debut was a cassette and we had other cassette EPs before
          CDs became available and affordable). So, we brought in some amazing local talent to help us round out our
          burgeoning sound. Many of the songs on that album don’t get played live anymore and the social media
          platforms did not exist when ‘Nightmare on Groove Street’ was released so we re-released it 20 years later.

          MH: I share with peeps my experiences at your shows. What inspires you all to write your music
          and lyrics and what is your writing process?

          BK: The writing process varies. In the early days, I had songs I wrote from high school that were just thrown
          together. Eventually, I would put lyrics to riffs we came up with together at practices or that my guitarist had
          cultivated. The music for ‘Living Vicariously Through My Dog’ was written by bass and drums. Nowadays,
          either we write as a group at practice or I have a whole song that just needs some tweaking -- or I have a
          vision of what I want something to sound like and the hurricane makes it happen. I write all the lyrics.

          MH: How would you describe the music that you typically create?

          BK: We try and create upbeat, danceable grooves with amusing lyrics.
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