Page 12 - ION Indie Magazine JULYAUG 2024
P. 12

MM: How much time have you got for this one? Just kidding. This biz is relentless.
            Every day, you pour your heart and soul into songs or strategies or ideas, and
            most of the time it falls on deaf ears. Night after night, you go to bed basically
            saying, ‘Well, that was fun -- absolutely nobody cares about what I am doing.’ Then
            you wake up the next morning and go, ‘Let’s try something new today.’ I think the
            biggest obstacle for me has been that I’m not very ‘obvious.’ I straddle rock and
            country  and  my  songs  don’t  really  sound  like  what  down-the-middle  Nashville
            country sounds like. So, figuring out how you market an artist like me isn’t’ always
            obvious.  Which  in  our  business  means…not  willing  to  take  a  risk.  But  I  have
            pushed through. It’s been worth sticking to my guns. If there’s anything an artist
            can take from this interview, it’s never stop being you, no matter what anyone tells

            MH: Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years? Any big music

            MM: Continuing to tour the country and hopefully, international. I love playing live
            so much. I just want to keep doing that on a bigger and bigger scale. We’ll put out
            this new record and it’s going to blow up and we’re going to become world famous
            and my manager Dustin and I are going to buy an island and twenty jet skis and
            invite all of our friends to the island for a BBQ…I hope.

            MH: What advice would you give other artists following in your footsteps?

            MM: DO NOT get into this business and DO NOT keep going if your vision is only
            about  fame  and  money.  You  have  to  care  about  the  craft  and  the  songs  and
            changing the world with music, or it’s not worth doing. The fame and the money
            find you. You have to stay true to you and your style. If you give up being YOU,
            it’s a short lived run.

            MH: Mark, thank  you  for  giving us  a little of your  time. Any last inspiring
            words for our readers and your fans?

            MM: Nah, man. I just appreciate you having me. I look forward to meeting some of
            you  out  there  on  the  road.  Come  see  a  show  and  stream  our  tunes  and  tell
            everyone you know to check us out! Thanks again!




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