Page 15 - MyLandscapeBook_ActiveFinal_Neat
P. 15
Lectures in Landscape and Urban Design
Urban Space Design Principles:
1- Permeability
▪ The number of alternative ways through an environment is a measure
of an area's permeability. People can move around with greater ease
and with more choice through a permeable environment than through
an un-permeable one.
▪ New development should maximize permeability both within the site
and in the wider area
▪ It would often be desirable for paths into a site to join rather than
forming a series of dead-ends
▪ New development will be expected to exploit opportunities to
improve choice and convenience of movement
▪ Permeability ‐ is the ease with which one can move through and get
to various locations. Such places are integrated or connected
physically to their surrounding areas.
▪ Thus people should be allowed to access (physical and/or visual)
across the two spaces interface
▪ But, making everywhere accessible to everyone will erode privacy
and degrade the quality of urban life
▪ Both physical and visual permeability occurs at front/entrances to
buildings or gardens increasing the level of activities around its edges.
2- Variety
Variety-is about the presences of
▪ different activities
▪ forms and
▪ people
Dr. Sherein El-Shahat