Page 16 - MyLandscapeBook_ActiveFinal_Neat
P. 16

Lectures in Landscape and Urban Design

• Variety/mixed-use can be appropriate at different scales from national
   to local environments; city to town or to village; neighborhoods or
   street; or in single structure.

• Creating variety can help to attract people to live, work and play in
   the same area and helps to determine how well a place is used, and
   what economic and social activities it will support.

• Places are more active when they have windows and doors which
   connect to the street rather than blank facades.

• Places feel safer with buildings overlooking them. Living spaces
   above shops will encourage evening activities on city streets because
   the streets are overlooked and feel safer.

3- Variety:- Vitality

   • Vitality (strong) Places those are
   • vibrant
   • safe
   • comfortable
   • varied
   • fun and
   • active

4- Legibility

▪ Kelvin Lynch (1960s)
   legibility of a city and its

▪ Interviewed urbanites in
   Boston Jersey City, and
   Los Angeles


Dr. Sherein El-Shahat
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