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P. 7
It is above the mesosphere
Its thickness reaches 360 km
It contains a amount of charged water vapor
It contains light gases such as helium and hydrogen
The fifth layer is the thermosphere
The thermosphere layer is 620 km thick. The temperature is about 1000 degrees
Celsius. It has a great electrical effect. The telecommunications scientists used it to
make certain radio waves that this layer reverses and does not pass through,
where the wireless phone technology is based on it (mobile).
2- Hydrosphere
It includes seas, oceans, rivers, and groundwater
It contains many dissolved salts
The hydrosphere does not completely cover the lithosphere, but it covers about
72% of it
3- Lithosphere
It represents the solid earth crust that is under the continents and the bottoms of
the seas and oceans, and its average thickness is 3200 km
Since the height of the highest peak in the earth's crust is Mount Everest, about
8840m. The depth of the deepest ocean floor is the Pacific Ocean, about 10800m.
The lithosphere contains the crust and mantle, where the crust is mostly
sedimentary rocks and some of the igneous and metamorphic rocks that rose