Page 11 - Family Newsletter-2020.pub3
P. 11


     Earlier in the year (pre-pandemic) CEO/Founder of Honey Babees, Beagy hosted a Baby Sprinkle at UMDNJ
     where she provided  welcome home gift bags to moms to be.  To address the need for basics baby supplies
     (formula, diapers and wipes), which was  exacerbated  due to the  pandemic, Beagy held a donation drive to gath-
     er much needed baby supplies for her annual community baby shower held on December 28th at the East Orange
     City Hall.  Donations are welcomed all year long and are distributed to moms both in the US and Haiti.

    Believing in Honey Babees’ mission of making life sweeter for expecting and new moms and that every baby should
    be welcomed and showered with love, Giselaine, donates her one-of-a-kind designs to Honey Babees
    participants.  Visit  her page

     Despite the

     Diane, (member                                            STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM CREATE GIFT BAGS
     of St. Luke AME                                           FOR THE HOMELESS By Ms. Shanthia Williams - On Tues-
     Church), continued                                        day, December 15th, members of the student leadership team at
                                                               Philip's Academy Charter School gathered together to create
     her missionary work                                       gift bags for the Circle Life Homeless shelter in Newark. This
     providing information                                     was a culmination of a community service activity organized by
                                                               the student leadership team which includes: Kyrae Brock
     about weekly food
     distribution, stress                                      (president), Melissa GrandJean (Vice-President), Christian
     relief and women’s                                        Uzoukwu (Treasurer), Maya Wyche (Secretary),
     health conferences                                        Avery Sampson (Class Rep) Michael Wyche (Class Rep) and
     and gift cards for                                        Uhurah Bey (Class Rep). Earlier in the year, the students
                                                               pitched to Mrs. Sampson the idea of having the school donate
      holiday                                                  money towards putting gifts together for a charity organization.
     dinner.                                                   The student leadership team was gifted with $750 which they
                                                               used to purchase: gloves, hats, socks, lotions, and other neces-
                                                               sary items that were packaged together and gifted to the organi-
                                                               zation. Though all of the student leadership team wanted to help
                                                               package the gifts, only three students could attend due to the
                                                               pandemic. On Tuesday, Avery Sampson, Maya Wyche, and
                                                               Melissa GrandJean met with Ms. Williams and Ms. Airall to put
                                                               together the gifts for the Circle Life Shelter. The student leader-
                                                               ship team looks forward to leading more community service
                                                               opportunities in the future.
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