Page 13 - Family Newsletter-2020.pub3
P. 13
RSL Holiday Classic
Xavier and Braxton Champions
are 2020 Desert
Brothers, Charles Jr
and Carmelo for the Isaiah made it to
Hudson County Saints ad the Varsity Foot-
Defense of line man and
wide receiver, respectively ball Team as a
They played for the Hud-
son County Saints.
Isaiah is academi-
cally doing very
Imani, a senior
at LHS, is varsity Cheer- Dewain II was awarded
leader Captain, a flutist an athletic scholarship to
in the Lancer Marching attend TMJ Prep Academy,
/Competition Band and an athletic boarding.
AM Wired/TV Produc-
tion Club. She obtained
her driver’s license!
Beagy coaches Livingston JR Lancers
cheerleading team, giving first –4th
graders normalcy during the pandem-