Page 3 - Family Newsletter-2020.pub3
P. 3

New Endeavors and Adventures

   Rachelle, owner of           In between her speaking en-       Vlogger Kayla, of           After being baptized in
   Craftyseemtress, where she   gagements and bible studies,
   personalizes anything from   Shirley is in the midst of writing   Good Vibes with Kay,     October, Jerry has lead
   keychains to tumblers, cro-                                    expanded her repertoire     online prayer groups and
   chets scarves and sews       a Non-fiction Christian book.     to include wedding trail-   bible studies.
   masks for individual and     One of her many goals/prayers     ers.  Like and subscribe to
   companies. Follow her on     was that the family would have    her page, Good Vibes with
   Etsy and Instagram.          a hunger for God's word. The      Kay on Youtube!
   @craftyseemtress             family Bible study, taught by
                                Shirley, is a prayer answered.

                                    Patricia has been doing
                                                                                                  Congratulations to
                                    hair since high school. A
                                    Brooklyn based stylist; she                                   Ayana on her first
                                    recently expanded to serve                                    apartment!
                                    New Jersey clientele, spe-
                                    cializing in Lace front wigs

                                    installation and sew-in
                                    weaves. Follow her on

                                          Alex hosts a weekly podcast “Welcome to A Path to Wholeness: Messages
                                          from Creation”
                                          Which we explore real dreams, messages, signs, & personal stories from lies
                                          to truth; worry to mindfulness; pain to healing; mistrust to faith; darkness to

                                           Serge starred in a music video; covered
                                           backstage of Nike’s fashion show; booked
                                           myself a flight to California out of the blue
                                           and had the time of my life; premier of my
                                           YouTube series with Glamour      Magazine +
                                           an episode streaming on Fox news
                                           Directed/Photographed a Black History
                                           Month personal project
                                           2nd sneaker collaboration with Naked Wolfe
                                           a London brand
                                           Collaboration with Toy/Apparel company,
                                           Super Plastic
                                           Racking in 23k likes for an Instagram post
                                           about my disdain for Trump
                                           Directed my first high production, high fash-
                                           ion editorial; broken into two segments and
     Rebecca, Patrick                      published in two different magazines. A high

                                           fashion, all Black, BDSM orgy.
     and Eli moved to their                Publications Published In: VoyageLA;
     new home in New Jersey.               TheGrio; Angels Magazine; kayGod Maga-
                                           zine; Mefeater Magazine. ColorBloc Maga-
                                           zine; Vogue 3x Kaltblut 2x
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