Page 5 - Family Newsletter-2020.pub3
P. 5

Promotions and New Job opportunities

     After 4 years at            Erica has been                 Carline was pro-            Miriam has been

     the Lynx Group, a           working at The City            moted to Pur-
     medical communi-            University of New              chase Manager               working for Sum-

     cation agency, as           York for 7 years in            at Cellebrite, for          mit Medical Group
     an  Account                 Human Resources                Latin America in            for 6 years as a CT
     Executive,                  and was recently               addition to North           Scan Technologist.
                                 promoted to
                                                                America and
     Béagy, joined the           Associate Director.            Canada.                     She was hired by

     sales team at                                                                          Veteran Hospital as
     Bayer Pharmaceu-
                                                                                            a  MRI technolo-

     Britney, joins the team
                                               Johnny is a musician, creator,
     of SpecialtyRX as a                       entertainer, and a member of
     Pharmacy Technician/                      Found Vegas.  He has been                Chelsea is a honor roll
     Customer service Spe-                     named as new host of Tenoir              student taking AP
     cialist and moved to her                  TV. Follow is IG                         courses and got her 1st
     first apartment in                        @drunkonjohnnywaker                      job working at
     Princeton.                                                                         Wendy’s.

                                         A New Addition

                                                                    Ralph and Rachael are expecting
                                                                          their second child in May!
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