Page 117 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 117

                                                                                        OVERVIEW  STATEMENTS  STATEMENTS

            Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended March 31, 2020
                                                                                                       ( H in Lakhs )
                                                                             Notes   March 31, 2020  March 31, 2019
                                                                                                   (Refer note 1.2)
            Revenue from operations                                            32          30,050.65     40,467.34
            Other income                                                       33           1,231.32      1,233.94
            Total income                                                                   31,281.97    41,701.28
            Cost of materials consumed                                         34          10,296.33     10,320.06
            Purchases of stock-in-trade                                                       50.15        187.54
            Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade and work-in-progress  35   (2,078.85)   (1,282.35)
            Employee benefits expense                                          36           5,003.15      5,317.79
            Finance costs                                                      37           1,932.04      2,065.31
            Depreciation and amortisation expense                              38           1,493.83      1,185.32
            Other expenses                                                     39           9,830.66     11,795.58
            Total expenses                                                                 26,527.31    29,589.25
            Profit before tax                                                               4,754.66    12,112.03
            Tax expense:
             Current tax                                                       60            336.55       3,192.21
             Deferred tax credit                                            46C & 60       (1,948.92)    (2,115.47)
            Total tax expense                                                              (1,612.37)    1,076.74
            Profit for the year                                                             6,367.04    11,035.29
            Other comprehensive income
            Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
            (a) (i)  Remeasurements of defined benefit plan                                  240.63       (186.51)
                 (ii)  Income tax relating to remeasurements of defined benefit plan         (70.07)        35.33
            (b) Net fair value change in investment in equity instruments through other       11.34          2.57
                  comprehensive income
            Total other comprehensive income / (loss) for the year (a+b)                     181.90       (148.61)
            Total comprehensive income for the year                                         6,548.94    10,886.68
            Earnings per equity share of H5 each (Post bonus)               21(a) & 43
            Basic (in H)                                                                      22.07         38.25
            Diluted (in H)                                                                    21.96         38.24
            See accompanying notes to the Standalone financial statements     1-64

            In terms of our report attached
            For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS LLP    For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of
            Chartered Accountants               Fermenta Biotech Limited (Formerly known as DIL Limited)

            Rajesh K. Hiranandani               Krishna Datla            Satish Varma     Prashant Nagre
            Partner                             Managing Director        Executive Director   Chief Executive Officer

                                                Sumesh Gandhi            Srikant N. Sharma
                                                Chief Financial Officer   Company Secretary
            Mumbai, August 28, 2020             Thane, August 28, 2020

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