Page 16 - FBL AR 2019-20
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Fermenta Biotech Limited
Annual Report 2019-20
This is how our consolidated numbers
have grown in the last few years
Operating Revenues EBDITA EBDITA margin
(H / crores) (H / crores) (%)
165.69 302.98 404.67 292.95 14.74 101.97 161.25 77.56 8.90 33.65 39.85 26.48
FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20
Definition Definition Definition
Revenue from operations. What the Company earned The movement in percentage
Why we measure before the deduction of interest, points in operating profit
This measure reflects the result depreciation, extraordinary before interest, depreciation,
of our capacity to understand items and tax. exceptional items and tax when
market trends and service Why we measure divided by the Company’s
customers with corresponding This measure is an index of operating revenues.
products, superior technologies the Company’s operating Why we measure
and competent supply chain profitability (as distinct The EBITDA margin is
management. from financial), which can considered to be a good
Performance be compared with the indicator of a Company’s
Our consolidated revenues retrospective average and with financial health because
decreased by 27.61% to H292.95 the corresponding number of it evaluates a Company’s
crores in FY 2019-20 compared sectoral peers. performance without needing
to the previous year, due to Performance to take into account financial
weaker Animal Feed realisations. The Company’s EBDITA grew decisions, accounting decisions
every single year through the or tax environments.
last two years ending FY 2018- Performance
19. However, the Company The Company reported a 1337
reported a 51.90% decrease in bps decrease in operating
its EBDITA in FY 2019-20 due margin in FY 2019-20 following
to lower operating revenues lower animal feed realisations.
majorly on account of a decline
in animal feed realisations.