Page 250 - FBL AR 2019-20
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Fermenta Biotech Limited
           Annual Report 2019-20

          Information as required to be provided under Part II, Section II (iv) of Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013 regarding Executive
                                             Ms. Anupama Datla Desai           Mr. Satish Varma
           I.   General Information          -                                 -
           1    Nature of industry           Pharmaceutical                    Pharmaceutical
           2    Date or expected date of commencement of   N.A.                N.A.
                commercial production
           3    In case of new companies, expected date of   N.A.              N.A.
                commencement of activities as per project
                approved by financial institutions appearing
                in the prospectus
           4    Financial  performance  based  on  given   As provided in the Board’s Report
           5    Foreign investments or collaborations, if any.  As on the date of the Notice, the Company has a wholly-owned subsidiary in the United Kingdom,
                                             Germany and the United States of America each.
           II.  Information about the appointee:  -                            -
           1    Background details           Brief profile of directors is provided in the previous table.
           2    Past remuneration            As provided in the Board’s report
           3    Recognition or awards        During the leadership of the directors, the Company has received the following awards among others:
                                             • ‘Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility’, ‘Excellence in Export Promotion’ and ‘Pharma International
                                             Excellence’ awards at India Pharma Awards 2018
                                             • The preferred supplier award for the eighth year in a row in Abbott Strategic Business Partner Award 2019;
                                             • Hindustan Times Thane Ratna Award 2019 and 2020
                                             • National Best Employer Brands 2018 at 27th Edition of Times Ascent presents World HRD Congress
                                             • certified as ‘Great Place to Work’ by a global authority (Great Place to Work)
                                             • won three awards at the prestigious World HRD Congress hosted by The Global Employer Branding
                                             • Business Leader of the Year (Best Business Brands) in 2020 at Asia HRD Congress
           4    Job profile and his suitability  As provided in the brief profile of the directors set out in the previous table and the explanatory statement
                                             to the AGM Notice.
           5    Remuneration proposed        As provided in the explanatory statement to the Notice.
           6    Comparative remuneration profile with   Considering her vast  experience,   expertise  and   Considering his expertise and overall experience
                respect to industry, size of the company,   being responsible for  key areas of the Company’s   for last several years in the company’s operations
                profile of the position and person (in case of   business operations, it is difficult to compare such   and expansions it is difficult to compare such
                expatriates the relevant details would be with   remuneration profile with others.  remuneration profile with others.
                respect to the country of his origin)
           7    Pecuniary relationship directly or indirectly   There is no pecuniary relationship directly   There is no pecuniary relationship directly
                with the company, or relationship with the   or indirectly with the company except the   or indirectly with the company except the
                managerial personnel, if any.  remuneration and details mentioned in the related   remuneration and details mentioned in the
                                             party transactions in the financial statements. Ms.   related party transactions in the financial
                                             Rajeshwari Datla (director) is mother and Mr. Krishna   statements. Details of shares held by the director
                                             Datla (Managing Director) is brother of Ms. Anupama   are provided in Corporate Governance Report.
                                             Datla Desai. Details of shares held by the director are
                                             provided in Corporate Governance Report.
           III.  Other information           -                                 -
           1    Reasons of loss or inadequate profits  The Company has been recording increase in its revenue and profits in recent years. However, the manner
                                             of calculation of eligible profits for managerial remuneration as specified in Section 198 of the Companies
                                             Act, 2013 may result in payment of remuneration in excess of the limits specified in Section 197 of the Act.
           2    Steps taken or proposed to be taken for   The Company has inter alia adopted the following measures to further improve the profitability:
                improvement                  • strengthening its purchase, production, and sales and marketing functions
                                             • established subsidiaries in the Europe and the USA in order to boost its sales and business across the
                                             • Technology upgradation by way of investing in state-of-the-art machinery to meet stringent quality
                                             requirements of customers
                                             • Cost control in all areas and focus on significant improvements in operating costs.
           3    Expected increase in productivity and profits   Barring unforeseen circumstances, the revenue earnings vis-à-vis profitability of the Company is expected
                in measurable terms          to increase in the coming years.

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