Page 249 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 249

Brief profile of Directors being appointed or re-appointed, as required under regulation 26(4), 36(3) of the Listing Regulations and
            Secretarial Standard on General Meetings specified by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and approved by the Central
             Name of the Director   Ms. Rajeshwari Datla  Mr. Satish Varma  Ms. Anupama Datla Desai  Ms. Rajashri Ojha
                                    Non-Executive    Executive Director     Executive Director  Additional
                                    Director                                                   (Independent)
             Age                    70 years         50 years               42 years           52 years
             Date of first appointment on   July 21, 2005  July 01, 2003    September 27, 2019  April 01, 2020
             the Board
             Qualifications         Bachelor of Science  Computer Science   Post-Graduate in   Bachelor of Pharmacy
                                                                            Biotechnology from
                                                                            Mumbai University and
                                                                            Science Graduate from the
                                                                            Boston College, USA.
             Experience and Area of   40 years of experience.  23 years of experience.  14 years of experience.  30 years of experience.
             specialization         Rich management   Extensive and diverse   Quality control and   Pharmaceutical,
                                    and operational   operational, management and   implementation of safety   Medical devices, Nutra
                                    and experience   legal experience across the full   policies and procedures   industry including
                                    in Pharmaceutical   scope of the FBL enterprise and   across the organization.  in R&D analytical
                                    Industry and has been   was instrumental in the Solvay   In charge of introducing   development,
                                    instrumental in FBL’s   demerger in 2000 as well as the   and implementing new   formulations
                                    journey till date  Crocin brand outlicence in 1996,   technology platforms   development,
                                                     events that have shaped the   into the company and   regulatory & QA
                                                     current strategic platform of the   also spearheads the new   compliance and Global
                                                     Company.               business development,   registrations and
                                                     Took direct operational   customer interaction and   marketing approvals
                                                     responsibility of the Vitamin D3   marketing in India and   for Pharma, Biotech,
                                                     business in 1998 and has led its   overseas.  Medical Devices,
                                                     growth.                                   Nutraceuticals, OTC
                                                                                               products world-wide.
             Number of meetings of the   8           8                      2                  Not Applicable as she
             Board of the Company attended                                                     was appointed w.e.f.
             during FY 2019-20                                                                 April 01, 2020
             Directorship held in other   • Dupen Laboratories   • G I Biotech Private Limited;  • Dupen Laboratories   • Raaj GPRAC Private
             companies              Private Limited  • Aegean Properties Limited;  Private Limited;  Limited
                                    • Lacto Cosmetics   • DVK Investments Private   • Lacto Cosmetics (Vapi)
                                    (Vapi) Private Limited  Limited;        Pvt. Ltd.
                                                     • CC Square Films Limited;
                                                     • Fermenta Biotech (UK) Limited
             Chairmanships/Memberships of   Nil      Nil                    Nil                Nil
             Committee* of other Company’s
             Boards (as on March 31, 2020)
             Terms and conditions of   N.A.          As stated in the explanatory   As stated in the   As stated in the
             appointment along with                  statement to the Notice  explanatory statement to   explanatory statement
             remuneration proposed to be                                    the Notice         to the Notice
             paid and Remuneration last
             Shareholding of Director (FV of   5,09,718 equity shares  23,160 equity shares  4,05,492 equity shares  Nil
             Rs. 5/- each) (as on March 31,
             Relationship with other   Mother of Mr.   Nil                  As mentioned in the   Nil
             Directors, Manager and other   Krishna Datla and Ms.           explanatory statement to
             Key Managerial Personnel of the   Anupama Datla Desai          the Notice
            * Audit Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, and Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

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