Page 33 - FBL AR 2019-20
P. 33

Corporate   Statutory  FinanCial
                                                                                        overview  StatementS  StatementS

                                                The synergies arising out of the merger

                                                   ƒ Value-accretive to the shareholders of DIL Limited as they would have access to the
                                                  core business of Fermenta Biotech Limited
                                                   ƒ Greater integration, financial strength and flexibility, maximising shareholder value
                                                   ƒ Greater cash and asset pool to fund organic and inorganic growth opportunities
                                                   ƒ Improved organisational capability and leadership
                                                   ƒ Cost savings arising out of rationalisation, standardisation and simplification of
                                                  business processes in addition to the elimination of duplication and rationalisation
                                                  of administrative expenses
                                                   ƒ Leverage of a larger assets base and cash flow

            customer offerings without additional   a curious balance of being mature on the   Q: What are the principal
            capital expenditure. We believe that this   one hand and sunrise on the other. In the   opportunities for the Company?
            asset-light arrangement will strengthen   current situation, there is an increasing   A: Fermenta expects to address the
            our ‘Made in Europe’ branding and improve   awareness that Vitamin D is beneficial not   growing preventive health sector by
            customer accretion. We are optimistic   just for bone health, but also for wellbeing,   positioning itself as a one-stop destination
            that this game-changing investment will   immunity, muscle cum joint strength,   for nutritional ingredients. By utilising its
            not only be good for our profitability but   mental as well as heart hygiene. What   widening global distribution network,
            also for our respect as a solutions-focused   provides Fermenta optimism is the extent   Fermenta expects to provide world-
            global organisation.              of Vitamin D deficiency and a growing   class nutritional offerings through a
                                              awareness of its benefits.
            Q: How is the Company strategically                                  combination of inorganic and organic
            placed in its business today?     Q: How does the Company intend to   partnerships. The Company will deepen
            A: Fermenta’s quality products enjoy   capitalise on these realities?  its presence in the area of Vitamin Mineral
                                                                                 Supplements by addressing the preventive
            applications across market segments.   A: The Company is attractively positioned   health and wellness segments. The result is
            The Company’s offerings range from its   to cater to the global consumption of   that we envisage Fermenta to evolve into
            primary product Vitamin D and variants   ingredients and premixes in human   a leading player catering to the growing
            to integrated biotechnology platforms to   and animal nutrition applications. The   need for fighting widespread malnutrition
            environmental solutions to waste water   Company’s optimism is derived from the   in India.
            management and treatment as well as   following credentials: its diversification in
            real estate. This diversified portfolio helps   the space of nutrition-based ingredients,
            mitigate risk and ensures cash flows even   retention of key accounts (combined with
            in volatile and uncertain market conditions.  the addition of new customers across   Mr. Krishna Datla
                                              all territories and segments), primed for   Managing Director
            Fermenta is the only manufacturer
            of Vitamin D3 in India and a leading   growth through new product offerings
            player globally. Within this niche, the   and an attractive pipeline in the nutritional
            Company offers value-added variants   ingredients domain. The Company expects
            across applications. We believe that the   to diversify its presence in the food
            market of Vitamin D3 is at the cusp of an    segment through the addition of relevant
            attractive break-out: new downstream   products for milk and oil fortification.
            applications and delivery formats are being   In view of these building blocks, the
            continuously developed even though   Company is confident of achieving
            Vitamin D has been available for decades,   significant growth across the foreseeable
            as a result of which the niche represents   future.

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