Page 11 - E-module BING IX
P. 11



                 Simple present tense

             The simple present tense in a
             procedure  text  makes  the
             action       immediate         and            1
             relevant.  It’s  as  if  the                                       Imperative word

             procedure  is  happening  right
             now, in real time, guiding the                              Imperative  sentences  are
             reader  as  they  perform  the                              command  forms  that  tell
             task.                                                       someone  to  do  something.
                                                                         They  are  direct  and  to  the
             Bentuk  simple  present  tense                              point,  which  is  essential  in
             dalam         teks       prosedur                           instructions.
             membuat  tindakan  menjadi                   2              Kalimat      imperatif     adalah
             langsung        dan       relevan.                          bentuk        perintah        yang
             Seolah-olah          prosedurnya                            memerintahkan          seseorang
             sedang      terjadi     sekarang,                           untuk  melakukan  sesuatu.
             secara  real  time,  memandu                                Kalimat  ini  bersifat  langsung
             pembaca         saat      mereka                            dan  langsung  pada  intinya,
             melakukan tugas.
                                                                         yang  sangat  penting  dalam
             The identify:
                 mix  the  eggs  with  salt,                              The identify:

                 garlic, and scallions.                                       mix
                 beat the egg and all the                                     beat
                 ingredients      that    have                                put
                 been put into it.                                            flip
                 Put  the  egg  mixture  into
                 the pan

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