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PATS PEAK, NH, has donated more than $18,000 over the Colorado Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame. He received
the past six years to the “Peter’s Fund Racer,” a local drive the FIS Journalist Award from the US Ski Team and
to support melanoma research and the care of melanoma International Ski Federation in 1997, and was honored with
patients and their families. The annual event was created in the U.S. Ski Association’s Russell Wilder Award in 2000 for
memory of Peter M. Newton, a former Sugarbush ski patrol- his contribution to youth through NASTAR. Less than two
ler who died from the disease in 1999 at the age of 46. Pats years ago USSA created the Bob Beattie Athlete Travel Fund,
Peak raises money for Peter’s Fund each March by donating a key component of the Marolt Athlete Endowment, based
proceeds from lift ticket sales. on his impassioned plea for more support of athletes in the
STEAMBOAT SKI & RESORT, CO, sponsored the 10th pursuit of their dreams.
Annual Cody’s Challenge on April 7, with 187 racers. The “From the time he was thrust into our sport in 1955 and
largest randonee ski race in the Americas is held each year in through his final months, he was our sport’s greatest advo-
honor of Cody St. John, a beloved member of the Steamboat cate and its staunchest critic,” said Tiger Shaw, USSA’s pres-
patrol who was tragically killed in a car accident in 2007 at ident/CEO, in an announcement of Beattie’s death. “Every
the age of 28. St. John was pursuing a nursing degree, and the ounce of his being was poured into standing up for athletes
foundation, which his sister Corinne formed a year after his and the sport.” Survivors include his wife, Marci; a daughter,
death, provides scholarships to ski/snowboard patrollers seek- Susan Crabtree; a son, Zeno Beattie, six grandchildren; and
ing similar medical degrees. This year the Breckenridge Ski eight great-grandchildren.
Patrol won Cody’s Cup and $2,000 towards training. The D. GRADY MORETZ JR, one of the pioneers of skiing in
Steamboat Ski Patrol won second place and $1,000 towards the Southeast and the co-founder, owner, and operator of
training. The Cody St. John Foundation is the only nonprofit Appalachian Ski Mountain in Blowing Rock, NC, passed
established to benefit professional ski patrollers nationwide. away April 8 at his home in Boone, NC. He was 88.
Moretz and several partners bought the Blowing Rock
Passings Ski Lodge in foreclosure back in 1968, and over the years
BOB BEATTIE, the iconic founding coach of the US Ski Team invested millions into the ski area, helping develop the
and one of the originators of the Alpine Ski World Cup, died Southeast region into one of the best skier markets in the
April 1 in Fruita, CO. He was 85. US. They also helped transform the local Blowing Rock and
A driving force for ski racing throughout his life, Beattie Boone communities into year-round tourism destinations.
helped build alpine ski racing into one of the pillar events at A noted civic leader, Moretz was involved in numerous
the Olympic Winter Games. He began his career as a suc- community and professional organizations. He served on the
cessful college ski coach in the 1950s—first for Middlebury Watauga County School Board, was a founding member of
College, VT (where he had been a multisport athlete, grad- the Watauga Education Foundation, and was a member of the
uating in 1955), then for the University of Colorado. In Watauga County Hospital Board of Trustees before serving 40
1961 the National Ski Association, predecessor to the US years on the Blowing Rock Hospital Board, 20 years as chair-
Ski & Snowboard Association, hired him as its first national man. He was president of the Boone Jaycees, was a member of
team coach. From there, leading up to the 1964 Olympics at the Boone Tourism Development Authority, and was a found-
Innsbruck, his involvement helped shape the country’s first ing member of Appalachian State University’s Appalachian
true national ski team. Summer Festival.
Recognizing the need to build worldwide interest in ski Moretz also was an organizing member and president of
racing, Beattie partnered with journalist Serge Land and the North Carolina Ski Areas Association, and was instru-
French coach Honore Bonnet to start the Alpine Ski World mental in creating the 1981 North Carolina Skier Safety Act
Cup in 1967. In the ensuing years Beattie became a well- legislation. He was president of the Southeastern Ski Areas
known skiing and Olympics commentator for ESPN and Association and represented the southeast region on the
ABC Sports. His zealous promotion of the sport and inno- NSAA Board of Directors, serving as an officer and a mem-
vation in use of the media is credited for much of ski racing’s ber of numerous committees. Both NSAA and the North
global popularity today. Carolina Ski Areas Association honored him with a Lifetime
Beattie was honored many times in his life. In 1964 Achievement Award (in 2005 and 2015, respectively).
he was inducted into the US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Moretz is survived by his wife of 63 years, Reba Smith
Fame for his work in founding the US Ski Team. In 1983 he Moretz; son, Brad Moretz (Jennifer), daughter, Brenda Moretz
received the AT&T Skiing Award for lifetime contributions Speckmann (John), and four grandchildren. All family mem-
to the sport. In 1984 he was inducted into the US Ski and bers are currently involved in operating this renowned family
Snowboard Hall of Fame, and in 1986 was inducted into ski area, with Brad currently serving as general manager.