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recent promotion. He also serves on the
                          Face Shots                                                Ski Area Vehicle Institute board of direc-
                                                                                    tors. AMANDA KANDLER is the resort’s new
                                                                                    director of finance. Kandler previously was
                                                                       AMANDA KANDLER  the accounting manager at Virginia Mason
             People                                                  Memorial Hospital in Yakima, WA, and brings more than
                            POWDR has announced several strategic    15 years of accounting experience to her new role.
                            changes to its executive team. Founder and
                            chairman JOHN CUMMING is stepping down                  DARCY LAMBERT is the new vice president
                            as CEO. Cumming, who founded the                        of skier services at SUNDAY RIVER RESORT,
                WADE MARTIN  independent and family owned POWDR                     ME. Lambert previously served as commu-
                            nearly 25 years ago, will remain involved               nications manager since 2009 and before
                            in shaping the company’s strategy and                   that was the communications manager at
                            vision while focusing on his increased   Winter Park Resort, CO.
                            roles as chairman at American Investment
                 JUSTIN SIBLEY  Company, Snowbird, Crimson, and the   Places
                            Cumming Foundation. POWDR also has       DEER VALLEY, UT, plans to invest $8.1 million in upgrades for
                            promoted, as co-presidents, WADE MARTIN,   the 2018-19 season, including a new detachable, high-speed
                            president of POWDR Enterprises and       quad to replace the Homestake chairlift, which will cut ride
                            chief revenue officer for the last five years,   time in half and increase uphill capacity by people per hour.
                TIM BRENNWALD  and JUSTIN SIBLEY, formerly chief finan-  Other improvements include a new trail, various snowmak-
             cial officer of POWDR Resorts. TIM BRENNWALD, previously   ing system enhancements, four new Prinoth snowcats, and
             chief operating officer of POWDR Resorts, is the new chief   new Rossignol ski rental shop inventory.
             operating officer of POWDR, which includes resorts and      BOGUS BASIN MOUNTAIN RECREATION AREA, UT, has
             Woodward camps.                                         approved a plan by the Bogus Basin Recreation Association
                                                                     to build a water-storage dam and install underground pipes
                            At SNOWBASIN RESORT, UT, the new general   to support snowmaking for consistent pre-holiday openings.
                            manager is DAVY RATCHFORD, succeeding        CASCADE MOUNTAIN has climbed to the top of the list
                            JOHN LOOMIS, who is retiring. Ratchford   of small businesses in Wisconsin. The US Small Business
                            has had previous stints as the senior    Administration selected the Portage ski hill as one of 17
                DAVY RATCHFORD  director of marketing and strategic alliance   Wisconsin winners in its annual awards, recognizing
                            at Park City Mountain, UT, and as director   Cascade Mountain for its success as a family owned opera-
                            of marketing at Vail Mountain, CO, and at   tion. The area is owned by Rob and Vicki Walz, who pur-
                            Northstar Resort, CA. Also at Snowbasin,   chased the area from Rob’s parents, Phil and Adele, in 2006.
                            RYAN WOOLSEY has been promoted to assis-  In addition to Cascade’s standing as a family operation, SBA
                RYAN WOOLSEY  tant mountain manager. Woolsey has been   honored the business for its $9 million expansion in 2016
              with the Snowbasin patrol for 14 years, most recently as ski   that added eight ski trails, two chairlifts, increased snow-
              patrol director.                                       making, and expanded the lodge and base area.

                            MT HOOD MEADOWS, OR, has also made       Suppliers
                            several changes to its leadership team. MEL   SKIDATA, a global leader in access control and revenue solu-
                            TONEY has been promoted to director of   tions, has appointed STEFAN SCHAFFNER as chief executive
                            mountain operations. Toney has worked for   officer and senior vice president, North America. Schaffner,
                 MEL TONEY  the resort for more than 20 years, and has   an industry veteran with nearly 30 years of distribution, sales,
                            been director of ski patrol and risk man-  operations, and general management experience, will oversee
                            agement for the past 11 years. JEREMY    SKIDATA’S merger with Sentry Control Systems. JULIE WHITE,
                            EVANS is the new director of fleet oper-  the new chief financial officer, will support Schaffner in the
                            ations. Evans started out as a vehicle   role. White has nearly 20 years of finance and operations expe-
                JEREMY EVANS  mechanic at Meadows nearly 10 years ago,   rience in small businesses and large enterprises across several
             working his way to vehicle shop manager before his most   industries.

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