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                                    8                                     20        EDITOR
                                                                                    Rebecca W. Ayers
                                                                                    Amy Steele
                                                                                    DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
                                                                                    EnZed Design
                                                                                    Colin Bane, Dave Belin, Dave Byrd,
                                                                                    Eric Lipton, Kelly Pawlak, Earl Saline

                                                                                    NSAA STAFF

                                                                                    Kelly Pawlak
                                                                                    RISK & REGULATORY AFFAIRS DIRECTOR
                                                                                    Dave Byrd,
                                                                                    ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR
                                                                                    Wendy Guyerson,
        PG. 6                                PG. 16                                 MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR
        NSAA Launches Mountain Foundation:   Small Technologies with Big Value,     Adrienne Saia Isaac,
        New Nonprofit Supports Education     Part II: Delivering on the Guest       TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR
        & Mentorship of NSAA Members         Experience & Overall Safety            Mike Lane,
        BY KELLY PAWLAK                                                             ASSOCIATED MEETINGS DIRECTOR
                                             PG. 20                                 Jennifer Larson,
        PG. 8                                2019 NSAA Downhill Bike Park Summit:
        Insights from First-Timers:          Park Personnel, Marketers & Risk       FINANCE DIRECTOR
        SNOW Operating Shares Results        Managers to Exchange Ideas for         Laura Lewis,
        of One-on-One Surveys                Operations of All Sizes                PUBLIC POLICY DIRECTOR
        BY ERIC LIPTON                       BY EARL SALINE                         Geraldine Link,
                                                                                    MEETINGS & CONVENTIONS DIRECTOR
                                                                                    Tom Moore,
                                                                                    EDUCATION PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR
                                                                                    Earl Saline,
             PG. C1   NSAA CONVENTION PROGRAM INSIDE!                               SPONSORSHIPS DIRECTOR
                                                                                    Amy Steele,
                                                                                    MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR
                                                                                    Paige Vickerman,
                                                                                    133 South Van Gordon Street,
        Departments                                                                 Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80228
                                                                                    The NSAA Journal is an official publication of the National
              PG. 4                               PG. 46                            Ski Areas Association. Articles may be reproduced
              Drifts                              New Members                       when credited to National Ski Areas Association’s NSAA
              Association News,                   NSAA Welcomes Associated,         Journal. The NSAA Journal (ISSN 1530-1087) is published
              Event Updates & More                Affiliated & Supplier Members     bimonthly (six times a year) by the National Ski Areas
                                                                                    Association, 133 South Van Gordon Street, Suite 300,
              PG. 44                              PG. 48                            Lakewood, CO 80228. Only members of NSAA may
              Face Shots                          Last Lift                         receive the publication, unless a written request is sent
              People, Promotions, Capital         NSAA’s Iconic Director of         to NSAA. The annual subscription rate is $25. NSAA
              Improvements & Other                Sponsorships, Amy Steele,         reserves the right to sell the NSAA Journal to members
              Trail-Breaking News                 Goes Out in Style                 only. Periodicals postage is paid at Denver, Colorado.
                                                                                    Postmaster: Please send address changes to:
                                                  BY DAVE BYRD
                                                                                    NSAA Journal, NSAA,133 South Van Gordon Street,
                                                                                    Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80228.
                                                                                    Phone (303) 987-1111; Fax (303) 986-2345.
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                   ABOUT THE COVER  |  Photo illustration by EnZed Design with DepositPhotos.
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