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        April 29, Keynote Presentation                              As a strategic advisor to executives from Fortune 500 com-
        Daniel Burrus                                           panies, Burrus helps them to develop game-changing strategies
                            Today’s business environment is global,   based on his proven methodologies for capitalizing on technol-
                            and someone with firsthand knowl-   ogy innovations and their future impact. His client list includes
                            edge of that topic is Daniel Burrus. His    companies such as Microsoft, GE American Express, Google,
                            keynote presentation—”Accelerating    Deloitte, Procter & Gamble, Honda, and IBM.
                            Growth: Leading with Strategic          Burrus is also a featured writer with millions of monthly
                            Foresight & Certainty”—is sponsored by   readers on the topics of innovation, change, and the future for
                            MountainGuard & SMI Snow Makers.    CNBC, Huffington Post, and Wired Magazine, to name a few. He
                                A self-described “disruptive    has been the featured subject of several PBS television specials
                            innovation expert,” Burrus has built a   and has appeared on programs such as CNN, Fox Business, and
        worldwide reputation for predicting technological change and its   Bloomberg, and is quoted in a variety of publications, including
        impact on business. The New York Times has referred to him as   Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times,
        one of the top three business gurus in the highest demand as a   Fortune, and Forbes.
        speaker. Burrus’ accurate predictions date back to the early 1980s,   Burrus is an innovative entrepreneur who has founded six
        when he became the first and only futurist to accurately identify   businesses, four of which were national leaders in the United
        20 technologies that would become the driving force of business   States in the first year. He is the CEO of Burrus Research, a
        and economic change for decades to come. Since then he has   research and consulting firm that monitors global advancements
        continued to establish a worldwide reputation for his exceptional   in technology-driven trends to help clients profit from techno-  C
        record of predicting the future of technology-driven change and   logical, social, and business forces that are converging to create   M
        its direct impact on the business world.                enormous untapped opportunities.                     Y
                                                                May 1, Industry Influencers Panel
                                                                Bringing together a diverse panel of resort leaders, this morn-
                                                                ing keynote session will dive right into the burning questions
                                                                on growth, consolidation, staffing, season passes—no topic is off   CMY
                                                                limits. Expect frank discussions, edgy stories, words of advice, and   K
                                                                personal stories of perseverance, learning, and success.
                                                                    Sponsored by accesso & Liftopia, “The State of the Industry:
                                                                Perspectives from Industry Thought Leaders,” is being moderated by
                                                                Win Smith, the president and chief operating officer of Sugarbush
                                                                Resort, Vt., and the chair of the NSAA Board of Directors. Panelists
                                                                are Pat Campbell, the president of the Mountain Division of Vail
                                                                Resorts Inc.; Rusty Gregory, the chief operating officer of Alterra
            OPEN YOUR DOORS TO THE WORLD                        Mountain Company; Joe Hession, the chief operating officer of
                                                                SNOW Operating; and Wade Martin, the co-president of POWDR.
                                                                Each of these individuals brings tremendous experience and knowl-
            Welcome international students to your              edge through their time in and around the industry.
                                                                    The 2019 NSAA National Convention marks 10 years since
            community. Whether you are hiring one student       the CEO Summit was held at the 2009 Convention. The economic
            or 100, CIEE Work & Travel USA can help you         swings at the time forced the industry to look closely at how it
            screen, recruit, and hire international seasonal    would weather the volatility caused by financial crisis. Ten years
            staff for your business.                            on, the US has benefited from one the longest bull markets ever,
                                                                helping to drive overall economic growth and record low unem-
                                                                ployment rates. These factors and more have helped sustain our
                                                                industry but have also presented numerous challenges—some
                                   new and some that we can’t seem to get away from. Join us for
                                                                this lively discussion and come prepared to hear thoughts, ideas,
                                                                and perspectives that just might challenge your own.

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