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Growing the Sport




        MY SON AND I WERE SHARING a lift ride with another father   Snowboard’s Riglet program or create your own version, taking
        and son this past season when the dad mentioned that his   skiing and snowboarding to the schools is one of the most
        son had ditched the afternoon part of his all-day ski lesson.   effective ways to get kids excited about snowsports.
        Since I’m a schoolteacher, and I love working with kids, I
        asked the boy why he didn’t want to finish the lesson (even   TEACHING THE EXPERIENCE
        though I already knew the answer, having spent the last 20   While resorts have sent their patrollers to give safety pre-
        years in the classroom and also having witnessed similar   sentations at schools for many years, skiing/snowboarding
        occurrences at other resorts).                          instructional outreach is often an untapped opportunity to
            “I was sitting on my butt too much and didn’t get to ride   engage younger generations in snowsports. From my experi-
        enough,” he said. “I was bored.”                        ence as a PE teacher, the sky is the limit on how many kids
            By the time he got all of his equipment together and   you can reach. I know, because I have helped a lot of kids get
        actually went out on the mountain, it had taken more than an   hooked on many different skills such as this over the years.
        hour, he said. Once he was finally out there, his class skied one   When kids come to their elementary PE class they
        at a time in a single file line. (We assume that all kids love relay   are ready to move just as they are when they come to your
        lines, but what they don’t always tell us is that they really only   mountain or resort. The difference is, in PE class you can have
        like relay lines when it’s their turn.) He was not having a good   maximum participation with maximum equipment. The envi-
        time, and so he asked for his dad to come pick him up. He   ronment is safe, comfortable, and shared with people that they
        concluded that they were going to have a lot more fun on their   know and trust. And, it is FUN.
        own and, although I didn’t say it, he was probably right.   Burton Snowboards was among the first to realize the
            If the first day of skiing or snowboarding isn’t fun… really   potential of outreach to school-age kids with its Riglet program.
        fun… for a kid, that’s a missed opportunity for resorts to   Jeff Boliba, Burton’s vice president of global resorts, devel-
        imprint great things about the sport from the very beginning.   oped the program in 2012 as part of his son’s middle school
        And that reduces the likelihood that the kid will beg mom and   community project to give more people access to the fun of
        dad to go back for more of the same anytime soon, if ever.  snowboarding. Since then he and Shaun Cattanach, Burton’s
            That’s why skiing and snowboarding outreach programs   global experience manager, have been taking Riglet into schools,
        at schools are such a great option for introducing kids to snow-  outdoor festivals, and other community events. All told, they’ve
        sports. These programs are designed to maximize the fun   used it to introduce thousands of kids to snowboarding.
        factor for kids when they’re learning basic skills—with little   Using specially designed Riglet Boards with a Hover Cover
        standing around or waiting for a turn—all in a warm, con-  that slides on gym and indoor surfaces; balance boards; dual
        trolled environment with their buddies. They think they’re just   pull handles; foam blocks; and grab game activity mats, the
        having a blast in physical education class, but they’re also expe-  program focuses on teaching the fundamental movements
        riencing success at that initial, crucial introduction to the sport.   and stances used in snowboarding. (Burton’s Learn To Ride
        That means they’ll be more likely to go home and tell their   & Riglet Partner Resorts can purchase the kit, which contains
        parents all about it, and start bugging mom and dad to take   the equipment, games, videos, curriculum manual, stickers,
        them to the ski area for the real thing.                and posters, directly through Burton for $1,999.) Riglet has
            Fortunately, most schools are highly receptive to these   been so successful that Burton has convinced administrators
        types of programs. PE teachers are always looking for new ways   in Vermont to work the program into the state’s school PE cur-
        to incentivize kids to get some exercise and take a break from   riculum, and the company has demonstrated it in California,
        technology. Is your resort making the most of this opportu-  Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania,
        nity to help develop new generations of customers year after   Michigan, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Canada, Italy,
        year? Whether you adopt existing curriculum such as Burton   Germany, France, and even China and South Korea.

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