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            However, surveillance is not always a viable option,  gy rather than boring PowerPoint training—the surveillance
        either given competing capital considerations, technologi-  footage is an effective form of education and communication
        cal limitations, or even from a philosophical standpoint. It   for not only lift departments but also ski instructors and race
        should be emphasized, however, that rarely are surveillance   clubs that sometimes face challenges when helping children
        cameras mandated by law or other standards—some auto-   load and unload lifts, or even manage horseplay.
        mated teller machines, night clubs in Manhattan, and conve-  For example, such video footage has been used to train
        nience stores in New Mexico are some of the few businesses   employees on unique circumstances, such as entangled
        mandated to have surveillance cameras.                  backpacks, adaptive skiers, restraint bars down as lifts come
                                                                around the bullwheel, and congestion challenges. Video can
                                                                also be helpful for better understanding children loading
         HOW CAN SURVEILLANCE BE USED FOR EMPLOYEE TRAINING?    issues, monitoring employee use of cell phones, and guest
                                                                courtesy and engagement. There is a wealth of great take-
        Video surveillance can provide footage of instances in which  aways from such footage.
        employees acted responsibly, or irresponsibly, in loading   Likewise, ski areas using lift surveillance are also realizing
        or unloading situations, and the areas can selectively save   that cameras actually inspire improved quality of perfor-
        some of the footage to use in pre-season training for new lift   mance for lift attendants. Once attendants understand that
        attendants as well as immediate feedback in morning meet-  their lift terminals are videotaped, they may self-adjust their
        ings. Given the typical age of our industry’s lift attendants—  behaviors to be more attentive to daily protocols and prac-
        younger and therefore more receptive to video and technolo-  tices. For example, some ski areas have anecdotally reported

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