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3. An employer may not retaliate against employees for                        Job Safety and Health
        reporting work-related injuries or illnesses.                                 IT’S THE LAW!
          •  Section 11(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health     U.S. Department of Labor
             Act already prohibits any person from discharging or
             otherwise discriminating against an employee who         All workers have the right to:  Employers must:
                                                                         ƒ A safe workplace.    ƒ Provide employees a workplace free from
             reports a fatality, injury, or illness. This rule explic-    ƒ Raise a safety or health concern with   recognized hazards. It is illegal to retaliate
                                                                       your employer or OSHA, or report a work-  against an employee for using any of their
             itly incorporates the prohibition against retaliation into   related injury or illness, without being   rights under the law, including raising a
                                                                       retaliated against.   health and safety concern with you or
                                                                                            with OSHA, or reporting a work-related
             Section 1904.35 of the recordkeeping rule with respect      ƒ Receive information and training on   injury or illness.
                                                                       job hazards, including all hazardous
             to retaliation against employees for reporting work-re-   substances in your workplace.     ƒ Comply with all applicable OSHA standards.
                                                                                             ƒ Report to OSHA all work-related
                                                                         ƒ Request an OSHA inspection of your
             lated injuries or illnesses, 29 CFR 1904.35(b)(1)(iv). The   workplace if you believe there are unsafe   fatalities within 8 hours, and all inpatient
                                                                       or unhealthy conditions. OSHA will keep   hospitalizations, amputations and losses
             purpose of this provision is to improve the complete-     your name confidential. You have the   of an eye within 24 hours.
                                                                       right to have a representative contact     ƒ Provide required training to all workers
             ness and accuracy of injury and illness data by allowing   OSHA on your behalf.  in a language and vocabulary they can
                                                                         ƒ Participate (or have your representative   understand.
             OSHA to issue citations to employers who retali-          participate) in an OSHA inspection and     ƒ Prominently display this poster in the
                                                                       speak in private to the inspector.  workplace.
             ate against their employees for reporting an injury or      ƒ File a complaint with OSHA within     ƒ Post OSHA citations at or near the
                                                                       30 days (by phone, online or by mail)   place of the alleged violations.
             illness and thereby discourage or deter accurate report-  if you have been retaliated against for
                                                                       using your rights.   FREE ASSISTANCE to identify and correct
             ing of work-related injuries or illnesses. However, OSHA     ƒ See any OSHA citations issued to   hazards is available to small and medium-
                                                                                           sized employers, without citation or penalty,
                                                                       your employer.
             may not act under that section unless an employee files                        through OSHA-supported consultation
                                                                         ƒ Request copies of your medical   programs in every state.
             a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of the retalia-      records, tests that measure hazards
                                                                       in the workplace, and the workplace
             tion. Under the final rule, OSHA will be able to cite an   injury and illness log.
             employer for retaliation even if the employee did not file   This poster is available free from OSHA.
             a complaint, or if the employer has a program that deters
             or discourages reporting through the threat of retalia-
                                                                      Contact OSHA. We can help.
             tion. Often the point of retaliating against an employee
             who reports a hazard is to intimidate them from assert-
             ing their rights. This new authority is important because
             it gives OSHA the ability to protect workers who have                                              OSHA 3165-04R 2015
                                                                      1-800-321-OSHA (6742)  •  TTY 1-877-889-5627  •
             been subject to retaliation, even when they cannot speak
             up for themselves. The new rule gives OSHA an import-
             ant new tool in encouraging employers to maintain    •  Requiring employees to take a drug test for reporting
             accurate and complete injury records.                  without a legitimate business reason for doing so

        What forms of “retaliation” does this                   For additional examples of adverse action, see chapter 3 of
        rule prohibit?                                          the OSHA Whistleblower Investigations Manual (https://
        The rule prohibits employers from taking adverse action
        against employees for reporting work-related injuries or ill-  How does the rule affect drug testing
        nesses. Adverse action is action taken by the employer that   of employees?
        would discourage a reasonable employee from reporting a
        work-related illness or injury accurately.              The new rule does not prohibit drug testing of employees;
          •  Examples of adverse action include the following:  it only prohibits employers from using drug testing, or
          •  Discharge, demotion, or denying a substantial bonus or   the threat of drug testing, as a form of retaliation against
             other significant benefit                            employees who report injuries or illnesses.
          •  Assigning the employee “points” that could lead to     If an employer conducts drug testing to comply with
             future consequences                                the requirements of a state or federal law or regulation, the
          •  Demeaning or embarrassing the employee (e.g., requir-  employer’s motive would not be retaliatory and this rule
             ing an employee who reports an illness or injury to   would not prohibit such testing. Section 1904.35(b)(1)(iv)
             wear a fluorescent orange vest for a week)          only prohibits drug testing employees for reporting work-re-
          •  Threatening to penalize or otherwise discipline an   lated injuries of illnesses without objectively reasonable basis
             employee for reporting                             to do so. And, as in all cases under section 1904.35(b)(1)(iv),

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