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            OSHA will provide a secure website for the electronic   Director of Risk & Regulatory Affairs Dave Byrd. “If it’s
        submission of information. The website will include web   a skier-skier collision involving an employee where that
        forms for direct data entry and instructions for other means   employee is hospitalized overnight, that’s likely reportable to
        of submission.                                          OSHA. You may want to run this by your outside counsel
            For establishments with 20 to 249 employees that are   first, to avoid making statements to OSHA that could come
        required to report, OSHA estimates that it will take a typical   back to harm the ski area outside of an OSHA context, like a
        employer about 10 minutes to create an account and another   personal injury lawsuit.”
        10 minutes to enter the required information from the       This is especially true, Byrd emphasized, if OSHA
        Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A).  selects to conduct a Rapid Response Investigation, which
            For establishments with 250 or more employees,      is at the discretion of regional OSHA administrators. The
        OSHA estimates that it will take a typical employer about   agency will ask how such an injury could have been pre-
        10 minutes to create an account, 10 minutes to enter the   vented. “Your OSHA submission, especially in a rapid
        required information from the Summary of Work-Related   response investigation, could contain ammunition for a
        Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A), and 12 minutes to enter   plaintiffs’ attorney, especially in collision incidents where an
        the required information for each injury or illness recorded   employee is involved with a guest collision.”
        on their Log and Injury and Illness Incident Report forms
        (Forms 300 and 301).                                    Conclusion
            Establishments must submit the information electroni-
        cally and may not submit the information on paper. OSHA   The ski industry is a challenging industry to be successful in,
        also intends to provide an interface for entering data from a   especially if a resort is only operating seasonally and has no
        mobile device. The new electronic submission of establish-  spring, summer, and fall operations to generate year-round
        ment-specific injury and illness data will enable OSHA to   income. But even all-season resorts struggle with the whims
        use its enforcement and compliance assistance resources more   of weather, changing demographics, and other pressures,
        efficiently. Analysis of the data will improve OSHA’s ability   all of which can affect annual skier visits. And when that
        to identify, target, and remove safety and health hazards,   happens, employee training and safety and health programs
        thereby preventing workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths.  may seem like just another expense. Even so, there is no
            There are no changes to reporting a fatality or     more important investment.
        severe injury. All employers are required to notify OSHA    OSHA is doing its best to be proactive and improve
        when an employee is killed on the job or suffers a work-re-  on the timeliness of injury and illness reporting, and in its
        lated hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye. A fatality   response to inspect resorts when injury and illness reporting
        must be reported within eight hours; an in-patient hospital-  occurs. OSHA also wants to ensure employers are actively
        ization, amputation, or eye loss must be reported within 24   communicating with employees and ensuring employees’
        hours.                                                  rights under the OSH Act are not being violated.
            It is very important to understand completely the root   As OSHA becomes more proactive, resorts also have
        cause of the incident before reporting to OSHA. For example,   the responsibility to become more proactive with improv-
        an instructor is riding the children’s lift with a student when   ing employee safety and health programs. The benefit to
        the instructor has a medical event such as a seizure and falls   OSHA and the ski industry is fewer employee accidents and
        from the lift. The instructor is taken to the emergency room   injuries, along with reduced costs in workers’ comp claims
        and is hospitalized overnight for observation. Should you   and insurance costs. Those reductions allow resorts to put
        report to OSHA because the employee was hospitalized?   more money into resort operations, repairs, infrastruc-
            I would not report this incident to OSHA, because the   ture and, most important, even better employee safety and
        employer was not responsible for the root cause of the fall, it   health programs. After all, they are the ones that keep things
        was natural personal event that caused the seizure and led to   running day in and day out. Don’t we owe them the safest
        the fall, and it was not anything the employer had responsi-  working environment possible?
        bility for.
            “With this new electronic reporting under OSHA, ski   John T. Barnard is a risk manager at Taos Ski Valley, Inc.,
        areas should be especially careful when completing and sub-  a former senior safety compliance officer and whistleblower
        mitting this information, because it is now even easier for   investigator, a graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology,
        plaintiffs’ attorneys to access this information,” said NSAA’s   and a veteran of the US Navy.

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