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FALL 2018 Features
Courtesy of Snowshoe Mountain Resort
PG. 26
THE NEXT BIG THING? Obstacle Races, Yoga Retreats,
Beer Festivals and Why It’s Important to Look for What
Will Someday Replace Them
Ski areas are always looking for the next Tough Mudder event to draw visitors during the shoulder seasons.
Millennials are infamous for their pursuit of the experiential. What’s on the horizon—from food truck festivals
to the next obstacle adventure races—that will continue to engage them?
PG. 32 PG. 40 PG. 46
The Safe Sport Act and Its Broad Going Big at Big Sky: Making and Keeping
Impact on Ski Areas New Eight-Seater Raises the Connection with
the Bar On North American First-Timers
Congress, and the public, are fed Chairlift Technology BY TROY HAWKS
up with abuses in amateur sports. BY TROY HAWKS Technology combined with old-
A new federal law has extra-sharp The much-anticipated installation of fashioned guest service help shape
teeth to revamp the culture of youth the Ramcharger 8 at Big Sky Resort, a positive lesson experience for
athletic programs, and it will mean Mont., is a landmark moment for first-timers and encourage repeat
big changes—background checks, lift technology in North America, visits. The areas profiled here are
reporting mandates, training, new but certainly not the first when it using this strategy to develop
policies—in how ski areas interact comes to chairlift innovations from customer relationships that last.
with kids. Boyne Resorts.